You know what the fictional character that actor is portraying thinks, huh? Good luck with that.
I'm not talking about either, nor was the meme about him, it was about the character, the reaction, the fuckin', like, meme, man.
I'm will to bet the video will stay in the 60%.
KEK. Zip it, ya l'il cow fart. Go dribble your dumbfuck in the filter, where the petulant malingering of a paid posting clown belongs.
All clear, Pig.
Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over the pathetic demoralization attempt.
KEK. At least they're admitting they're mad by passing their projection through a lens of malice. Poor bastards.
It's like they thought the persona was just the memes one Anon used, and them posting it will, what? Show their target that they took what was freely given in the first place? How is that supposed to be a bad thing. How the focus of their hate just shows the depths of their stupidity and that they're projecting that they value what's coming from this end, covet is, obsess over it. I fuckin' love it.
Like a creepy little stalker with limp teeth, that's all he is. That's all he ever was, it just finally caught up to him.