So what exactly is the “liberal fringe”? Can’t be the literal Communists who have complete control of literally everything *mainstream, including but not limited to ALL mass media and entertainment industries; Sports, education, commerce; the censored “search” engines; medical industries; etc. ETC and all the sheep merely addicted to it all because, what the fuck are the CHOICES/OPTIONS?
Could they be the faux viewers who “vote straight R” every “election and aren’t “far right Trump extremists"? Nope, because do not even attempt talking; God Forbid, refuting that “Trump never built the wall”; Trump went to Epstein Island”, “The 2020 election was legit because there’s NO PROOF it wasn’t!”; “Trump let the summer 2020 riots go without doing or saying anything!”; “Trump didn’t fire fauci like he should have!!”; “Trump caused that January 6 riot with his big mouth over an election won fair & square because there’s NO PROOF showing otherwise!!”; “Putin is bombing childrens’ hospitals in Ukraine”…
Yes, these are just some of the things which ardent fauxNOnews viewers get all bent over. Try, “Wow, you didn’t hear?” and get “Where’d you hear that!” “Well I never heard of that channel (OAN) and If it were true, Fox would report it!!