Kek. Thank you, (((Baker))). Locking breads early when they don't get what they want and the narrative goes against them.
>you're a spamming glownigger shill baker?
I know better than to bake. (picrel) If you want me to start baking, BO/BV has to go. Otherwise, I'll just dig and shitpoast.
They censor anyone who questions their authority. They've been locking breads of actual bakers, for ebakes. Then, they whine they need bakers, but only onesTHEYapprove of. They can't get us to leave, but notice they're almost never around when VD or GheyEYE system waffen haus shows up, spamming the breads and we have to wait a while for them "volunteers" to clear the bread. Kek. It's quite simple to figure out who runs the board. They'll let you attack Christians, Muslims, White, Black, Fag, et al. Only two types of conversation gets removed: discussions about the BO/BVs being glowniggers or discussions about Jewish behaviors. They really can't handle any form of criticism. It's always SHUT IT DOWN! kek.
Not topic of discussion should be verbum non grata. We're researchers. The fact they feel it necessary to decide what we can and cannot talk about ("Get your own board comes to mind") only shows their only goal here is to actually prevent research. They hold the keys to the house. They know we're waiting to see if Q returns. They'll never relinquish that. It's always been about controlling the narrative.
>Have your mental health been lernin?
>What about Pope?
That's covered by VD. He's part of the group. He relentlessly spams that bullshit every day, giving them an excuse to delete poasts. They spam so much, you might miss a key dig from an Anon, due to the flood. They tell you to refresh and not only is VD gone (who will just iphop), but that dig is also gone, 'cos they didn't like it.
Kek. BO, are you admitting you IP hop?
Kek. I would have understood him if they had just responded to me in Mandarin, instead of google translate.
>Again, what measure of triggered are you using? There's no emotion involved from this end. You do realize this is the sphere of ideas and not the sphere of emotion, right?
Based. I stolt that shit, Nigga!
Ex (picrel). Someone asked for sauce that a person was Jewish. I dropped the MOAB and Dart deleted it.
That was the point I really caught on.
>If a person digs deep enough, they will always find that there is a Jew at the bottom of it.
>This is an unfortunate truth.
That's not entirely true. Let's be honest about that, butstatisicallyit's accurate.
>These people have been brainwashed knowingly and willingly for their entire lives because they know how well it pays and the benefits it brings.
Zing! Give the Anon a shekel. It's their supremacist religious ideology that I have a problem with. Not all Jews are practicing Judaic. Not all practicing Judaics are Zionists, either. Find yourself a Messianic Jew and talk to them about how they're treated by other Jews. I know many. One is even written in my and WifeAnon's will to gain custody of our children, should anything happen to us.
>They used religion as a weapon
Indeed. Every religious group in the United States (and that includes the ones you don't like) is entitled to freely practice their beliefs,EQUALLY. No one group is above another, or at least our laws try to imply that. The reality is, one group is superior to all others and getmoar= protection than the others. You're not allowed to talk about it, though, 'cos if you do, you're attacked by this "superior group" based off "ethnicity." No other group in our country has that amount of protection.
But we're not allowed to notice it.
>A strong person or idea can withstand criticism. A weak person or idea, caves under it.
Yeah, people need to understand that Trump was part of the club at one time. There's "levels" to it and I don't think he was full-on pedo level, but he did enough to ensure he was successful and ignored. After Boiled Cabbage took out John John, that's when Trump had enough. I understand why Q said 60/40. If the entire world knew the truth, we really would have a cataclysm. We'd give these evil fucks no quarter and everyone and their mother would be accusing their neighbors of being part of the club.
>BO Team faces criticism? BO Team runs from it, lies about it, and tries to delete it away.
Which is why I call them unfit for running the board. If they can't handle criticism, they're no better than the OSS/Fastjack days are they?
>they double down as a group ,and not one of them stands up for justice and calls their own out.
Notallof them, Anon. There are a few who call them out. The ones that do, however, are typically born Jewish and have nothing at all to do with Jewish culture. That or they were born into the smallest minority of Jewish culture: The Messianic Jews, who believe Jesus was the Messiah. I know many. They're more "Jew-ish." It's really weird. Only way I can describe it is Jewish Christians. Everyone I've known, however, was a good, gracious human being. They had none of the typical "stereotypes" (tm).
Kek. Can I redo Schindler's List and make the Jews the baddies this time? What about Roots, with Pete Davidson as Toby/Kunta Kinte?
If you cannot criticize anyone, you're not free here, Anon. It's not just the "BO team" (tm). As another Anon so eloquently put it, this place is a realm of ideas. If we cannot discuss any and all ideologies, then this place isn't for research. It's merely propaganda.
>I haven't seen any, but if there are some, then they are the ones that have to save their people and make them see the light.
No. They're just as abused as Goyim by the rest. Actually, it's worse, 'cos they're considered "race traitors" (tm) by the Tribe (tm). It's funny, but once you really dig deep into Judaic beliefs, it's hard to un-see their hubris as a group and just how supremacist their beliefs really are. I abhor all forms of supremacy. That includes the Jewish one and screaming "anti-Semite" (tm) at me for pointing it out in an attempt to shut me up, is only going to make me stand evenmoredefiant.
>Free speech does not mean freedom from consequences from said speech
Kek. Indeedโฆ.A hate crime is a hate crime, no matter your "race" nor "religion."
This nigga likes to party with Diddy.[PEDO-ADJACENT]
> A handful of individuals does not represent the entire group.
Indeed. So when are we going to talk about "White Privilege?" When are we going to talk about Jewish involvement in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, since it wasn't "just White people." When are we going to talk about Jewish involvement in the Civil War? Or World War I and II?
A crime, however, is still a crime. These people were not banned from Twitter for these poasts. They still have accounts. They also weren't arrested for calling upon the genocide of an entire group of our species. I don't think I need to imply the implications for a "White Supreme" (tm) spreading out anti-Semitic flyers, though, do I?
>Does the C_A represent how every American is?
The Clowns don't represent Americans in any capacity. The fact you even tried this slide makes you suspect. Quid pro quo: Does Mossad represent how every Jew is? What about the World Jewish Congress? Better yet, how about the American Jewish Congress? Are Jews saying the American Congress isn't good enough for them?
>Does BLM represent how every black person is?
Kek. Does White Lives Matter? Oh, waitโฆ.
>You cherry-pick small handfuls of individuals to try and support your arguments to demonize an entire group.
Yeah, that's you projecting. I've made it quite clear in this bread that aJEWhas guardianship over my children if anything happens to WifeAnon or me. Kek.I've also pointed out that not all Jews relish and bask in their supremacist religious ideology. But sure. I'm targeting an entire group. Kek. Which one of us was "cherry picking" again?
> It's not who you say it is, it's you.
Again, projection.
>And I'm out for the rest of the bread.
>It's like they WANT me to be racist.
Think mirror, Anon. It's not that they want you to be racist. They want to be racist and not suffer any repercussions for it. A simple look into the producers of this adaptation would probably suffice.