Better not talk about the article….
The shills haven't realized that we all know that all they need to do is filter me but since they're not paid to filter me, they must attack the message….
Enjoying the show.
End is near.
God wins.
Better not talk about the article….
The shills haven't realized that we all know that all they need to do is filter me but since they're not paid to filter me, they must attack the message….
Enjoying the show.
End is near.
God wins.
Kek… the forbidden article… haha. The shills are all worked up over our first of many favorable articles…. it's only going to get worse. Haha…
Think stages.
What exactly makes you so butt hurt about that article? Cry moar faggot.
Just read the article yourself. First ever positive piece of press yet somehow it’s getting attacked by (((anons)))… connect the dots.
Filter me. Oh wait, that’s not what shills do.
Now the first ever positive article on the Q movement and all discussion thereof gets lobbed in with AFungal. Go kys.
Try harder.
Kek! (((They))) won’t like that at all. Ur just asking for some gay porn bread now.
Out of 35 posts fending off u and ur shills, I accidentally tagged myself. Pretty amazing you paid that close attention. Why didn’t u just filter me? Instead u used 30 posts to attack the first ever positive media article in the Q movement history.
Fucking Kek. But seriously, I wanted other anons to offer input on the media source too. I wasn’t very familiar with them but reviewing their articles, def seems like they’re actually doing decent reporting.
Maybe we can digg into who owns and operates the media source.
Exactly! I read this article yesterday and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was shell shocked by seeing a fluff piece on the movement. No one has ever given us the credit they did.
Patrick Howley.
Seems legit to me. What’s not to like? Setting Ann Coulter straight. Support SR and our girl Katie. Seems like a stand up journalists.
This is why the shills were going crazy.
U care that much about us discussing the first ever positive piece of press from the media?
Really? Try fucking harder faggot. U gay as hell.
Keep up the good fight. Don’t let this one go.
It makes absolutely no sense for someone to attack this article as shills have here tonight. Thus article legitimizes that We are Q and (((they))) are losing. That’s what scares them. This is written for normies. That’s why autists cringed. I understand.
This article will def have people looking to read the drops. That’s what we want.
Yeah I’m IP hopping so I can bring attention to a pro Q article. The first fucking positive article in Q movement history. That would be a great shill tactic. Let me IP hop and spread around a positive article about the movement im presently engaged in warring.
Ur shilling won’t stand up to logic. Try harder.
U taking SS of anons discussing the first ever positive piece of media re the q movement yet??? Wow. Seems desperate.
What untruths? Now sayin We are Q isn’t acceptable. Anyone of us can be Q. We are your neighbors. Your doctors. Your teachers. Your bus drivers. Etc.
Are all u anons too dense to understand plausible deniability and why we don’t fix Q? Can’t doxx Q if we are all Q!!
Get it! This isn’t that difficult.
Yep. We are bouncing around to promote the first press piece on Q that isn’t total dog shit. Cool story faggot.
Dude, u must be one of those infamous shills that IP hops to make it look like anons would actually be discussing the first ever positive article ever published about the Q movement? U dirty bastard u!
Don’t ever mention the forbidden article again! Again! U hear me?
That’s the second best one but it casts seeds of doubt and def doesn’t directly come out and legitimacy our movement like the forbidden article.
And even goes as far as insinuating we are nazis. That wasn’t cool. Tablet is compromised anyways. Look at their other articles. Total garbage.
Author of forbidden article actually seems to be ourguy.
It’s an actual Q drop u idiot. So u saying Q didn’t mean it when he said We are all Q?
Stfu and try harder.
His response didn’t make any fucking sense. There’s no logic in the anti-forbidden article shills. They’re btfo.
Way to go anon! U called out this mega shill we’ve had all night that’s been calling out attention to this first ever positive media article about the Q movement!
Way to go! NO real anons would be discussing this piece, even tho it’s the only one to date that’s not a hit job on our movement. U are smart.
Cus moving on is exactly what the shills want us to do. They don’t want us to get excited that we finally have an article we can ram down the throat of the muh Q is a larp faggots.
This article lends credence to this movement and that scares (((them))). There’s no other published piece to date that truly defends what we do here. The forbidden article is important and needs circulated.
I’ve had nearly 10 twitter accounts removed. I never attacked anyone. Merely questioning linear thought and using hashtags for our cause is what did it to me. If u haven’t had it happen to u, u aren’t trying hard enough.
That’s fake Q anon.
How the fuck do u know why Q chose the name? Maybe u should expand your thinking. The article explains all that.
U butt hurt cus u wanted the Q story to fit into ur narrative and now expanding that narrative shakes ur safe place?
Or are u just another anti forbidden article shill?
That’s one of the most juvenile articles U ever read?
Go to to see countless examples of worse. Or nytimes. Or wapo. Or Newsweek. U shills suck. Don’t be so fucking obvious and predictable. Make it interesting for us.
Calling the first ever positive media article related to Q as a hit piece. Try fucking harder dick smoke.
The last thing Corsi or anti school or seamen or AJ want is an article like that gaining traction.
It calls them all liars for calling Q a larp. You’re not even making any sense with ur shilling. Try harder.
Amen anon. That’s what doesn’t make sense. This is a pro Q article. The first fucking one to date too. Why would any real anon attack it? Just stupid af.
That sorta shit makes the Cabals hair stand up on their neck.
Now I see why that article is forbidden.
Hahahaha. The dude who wrote the article is the founder and owner of BLP - He’s not spending all night here. Try harder.
Look at how hard u trying to stifle conversation on the article. U are asking for the next baker be notified to censor us. Hahahahaha. Hilarious.
We are winning. U are losing.
Stfu fear faggot. Nobody is falling for that tactic.
Now the forbidden article might get the site shut down anons!!
Alert Alert Alert
He’s saying and implying that Q can not ever be doxxed. Why u think he says “who knows, I could be Q”… it was actually brilliantly stated to allow for the plausible deniability our 4 10 20 needs.
Like that doesn’t sound compelling at to normies
And it’s true. We have more than we know. Reread crumbs -
Great, that article actually links directly to the board. That’s a fucking no no. Read global notables anon. That article is garbage.
Yes. He’s our guy. Look at his twitter feed.