i know, its insanely like HE wrote it
Hark hark the shills do bark
The Brock pussies, ebots and clowns,
Some are fags and some are drags
but all of them are going down
Oh Ok, I shouldn't talk about the forbidden article then? I will be sure to not talk about the forbidden article, if that is the case. Surely I can take back all my posts about the forbidden article? Maybe Board owner will delete my posts about the forbidden article.
Wait, the link to the article was NOT PUT ON NOTABLES???
major piece of publicity?? lol wut
i wouldn't either. It is nothing different than the way we speak here, really. Its 'our comms'.
Is it quite amazing that Gamergate started opening some eyes? like wtf media, you lie? about games. really? about game reviews?
cabal outed themselves trying to take over GAMING
because shills want me to stop posting about THE ARTICLE
I will continue to do it.
and we need to once per bread if its not making notables
waffle pepe. now I've seen every pepe
>I received a very scary message from the QOTUS
Want to know how I know you are not an anon?
>AND now saying the article was written by POTUS
because nobody said that. What they said was 'it sounds like it could be written by POTUS'. but you don't know what facts are, and you try to spin their statement.
You haven't earned your paycheck today. You are very bad at this. Go tell your boss you failed.
BO is right too; The article IS a bit cringey. But its a normies "first eyes" lookโ it can't be what WE would say, right out of the gate.
>Hey normies, Epstein kills kids and makes other kids eat the bodies as their only food!
wait till we do 751 posts on ONE subject like a Q drop, or Potus/VP water bottle hopscotch. or the time we filled an entire thread on ONE subject just about a single dig.
3000 threads so far, 8 months, 751 posts per bread on 8 and 250 posts per bread on 4. That's almost 3 MILLION POSTS. MANY of them are about the same subject.
and you are responding, so who is doing the wastingโฆexactly?
post oc
who can't you flim flam?
Who did you take to the winter ball?
lets talk 'legitimacy'
havent seen that one. thanks, saved
they forget what autism is; we don't respond to emotional manipulation. We have a ..detachment or the ability to detach from our emotions. So that's also one way you can tell they are not autists, if they use emotional arguments or try to 'make you feel bad'. autists can't feel bad, unless they'd like run over someone accidentally or something. But posting an article link? not possible to feel bad for that, and very very weird someone would make you try to feel bad for posting an article link.
Not all anons are autists, but all autists are anons.
Except "We Are Q" is exactly, word for word, what Q said.
Why are you arguing that WHAT Q SAID is "simply stupid?"
I mean, explain yourself. Why is the exact working of WHAT Q SAID, 'simply stupid?'
This pic is Q's pic. No anon made it. Q made it.
Q posted this pic, saying
so you are disagreeing with Q. so why are you here?
Reminder before I head out for the night.
Q said this:
We are Q
Night anons!
'People' aren't running around saying it.
Q said it.
They are just repeating what Q said.
Blame Q for starting it then.
Q is not one person. And anons know THAT. READ the full memos that you get when you come on shift, don't just skim through it.
almost 3 million posts, most of them discussing the same issues that we discussed on the very first day. why be here at all, then, with your line of reasoning?, since we're just rehashing?
tsk tsk
>could we move on now?
Im not stopping you from moving on or digging, anon. I think its really creepy that you think that what YOU do, depends entirely on what I do.
I think you have your own agency, and your own personal power, and that what I do next won't really have any affect on you at all.
so Ima post a peepee pepe to prove that you don't need to rely on ME to decide what YOU should do next.
>However, I think exposure is good but only when done flawlessly and not without holes.
its a point. but
a) who is the judge of 'flawlessly?'
b) what qualifiers would constitute 'flawlessly'?
c) what media is going to give 100% accuracy about Q; they are all deep state propaganda mouth pieces
d) anyone who is NOT a deep state mouthpiece and who is brave enough to post about Q has to do it in such a way they can disavow for when deep state comes calling to inquire
'dangerous' is a leftist buzzword to paint an idea as unsavory, like 'Trump's rhetoric is 'dangerous' and 'certain ideas are dangerous', and entirely subjective.
This is not a word we use here in regards to ideas or speech.
This is no more 'dangerous' than the Q plan to save the world video.
The only way it is 'dangerous' is to the cabal.
You have outed yourself with your buzzword.
THAT I do agree on. they didn't come to the source, so WHO did they 'talk to'?
OR, an entirely possible explanation and very likely one, is that they are anons themselves, and frequent here. This is what I am leaning toward.
contempt shill
SJW shill
this one is a bit more expert than others, to be able to use kafkatrapping
NO its not the new thing. do not let the shills make it the new thing, and do not let them get you to question it as the new thing.
We are Q
Shills are shills
we know where we came from, and shills out themselves so easy because they don't know our history OR our comms
Cant flimflamโฆ
well, they'll be attacking everything, seeing if we can stand our ground. They don't know autism. or patriotism.
if you were anon
You'd know we don't direct normies here
We direct them to OFF board resources.
and if you were anon, you'd know that the only way normies will find out about Q
is by media like this.
So guess how I know you are not anon?
Mr. shill, mr shill
Well then you'd have to notable the article this infographic is talking about, wouldn't you?
You can tell from writing style many times just from a single post what sex and age group someone is in.
its in every single dough for months
and we discuss it all the time
guess how we know you don't belong here?
oh ok, move goal posts. You said 'the source'. the source is here.
oh but when I called you out on your lack of knowledge of the workings of /qresearch, you backtrack and say you didn't mean that, did you? you meant A DIFFERENT SOURCE.
uh huh
shills are working very hard to have it disappear. I want to stay up long enough for some day shifters come on so they can pass the link along.
you're working too hard to make this article die, when its one that normies will see.
Its a bridge to normies, its not meant for you.
And you are working SO HARD TO SHUT IT DOWN
I've been posting since ct 28, 2016, so I have a lot more than 49 posts.
3 million posts now, I've been at this 8 months.
post YOUR oc. come on. lets see your OC
THANK you BO, shills have bakers confused to keep the article out of notables
good morning!
now I can sleep as dayshift anon EYES ARE ON THE ARTICLE
one more JUST for you before I go to bed. You can't "SHUT IT DOWN"
lot longer than that on the chans, but yes, with Q
you 'never saw this website before tonight'
you 'know the article is full of lies'
Tell me, how long did it take you to go back through all 3000 threads and decide the article was lying about what's in them?
asking for a friend
I've been on the chans since 2011, but Q started on october 28, 2017. I had the luck to be on the board that day- though we thought it was all bullshit till he started dropping proofs.
Im sure you've heard of 'typos' but a typo does not negate the meaning.
The agenda for the article is reaching normies. If you don't want the normies to hear about Q, as this was the first article that didn't claim that Q was a 'conspiracy theory from the hacker known as 4chan in the toxic underbelly of the internet' then who has the agenda?
If Im baking, then I'll be sure anons see that this article made such a widely circulated publication.
I just linked you the first CBTS thread.
Post OC
Who can't you flimflam?
Who did you take to the winterball?
as an autist, I have to point out those words and phrases I quoted don't even appear in that article. though you say that is what the article says. I quoted them from past articles that purposefully made the chans look bad. Understand this is the first article in history that is not making the chans look like the deep deep web. I know we are the top layer of the deep web, but nothing favorable has EVER been written about the chans.
This, in comparison, is quite a departure.
You have no idea what Im talking about, because you've never been on 4chan.
You don't know our comms.
I posted 62 times, Im going to be posting at the same time as someone. its called probability. you know..math.
1 hour
62 posts
thats more than 1 post per minute
โฆin other words..I post less than 60 seconds apart myself.
Have to defend against the shills who don't want anons to see the article or spread it.
But we want normies to find out about Q.
And you don't want this article to be used to help normies find out about Q.
yeah, we'll fight you shills.
that's what we've been tasked to do.
oh you are incorrect. I don't write independently about the article.
I only respond to shills who want to hide the article so anons don't spread it to normies.
Well of course its 'stupid'. But its the best we've got so far at reaching normies. And FOR ONCE its not 'hacker known as 4chan toxic underbelly of the internet'.
Its worth it to reach people.
Goodnight anons. Dig. Meme. Pray. And SPREAD THE WORD!
Dont give up anon. many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, not realizing how much reach this will have to make people become aware of Q.
And that's the WHOLE idea, isn't it?
com on BO, you know my hash. You know what my contributions are. not at all cool