I got to hand it to the Shills, they are about as stupid as Comey sitting in that cornfield. Do (you) Shills not understand that 8chan is essentially a Honeypot and when Q stops posting for long periods of time it may be because Q-team wants (you) faggots to come rolling in with the porn.
We See All
We Hear All
Including Q-Patriots.
In the Beginning, the Boss Man up in the White House needed absolute Trust and Loyalty to MAGA. After months of Researching and Fighting off the shills, I received a very scary message from the QOTUS on multiple devices and websites thanking me. Message received QOTUS…thanks and God bless.
So ask yourself shills and faggots what part of the Q-Patriots part above about the We See All, We Hear All, Including Q-Patriots, do you not understand?
Go re-read Q-drop 386 from December. No.127429
PATRIOT of the highest caliber.
Q was responding to anon ID: 836800 as being a Patriot of the highest caliber……Definition of caliber: the quality of someone's character or the level of someone's ability…Why…If you scroll thru the whole thread you will see who Q was responding too(pictured).
It would only make sense considering Q-drop 386 when added together equals 17 and when you add 17 together you get 8 like 8-chan.
Are you shills stupid or sick posting dirty porn knowing both kids, parents, and teachers are watching and considering the Q-team see's all and hear's all and is for a fact monitoring this 24/7.
I mean today is 7/7/2018 7+7+2+1+8=25 and 2+5=7.
Did you know 2pac was 25 years older than QOTUS and 25 years old when he was allegedly shot and killed?
Looks like another few will be added to that indictment list.
Better start Learning,
School starts soon, lots of kids out there cant even read an analog clock.
Ask a child what color the water is? It's not blue, it's Clear, it just looks blue because of the reflection of the Sky.
Think Mirrors
Me on another hand, I'm working towards getting my Wings and I'm not talking about space force.
To all the GOOD Patriots out there Globally (You) are not alone.
(YOU) and (YOUR) families are safe.
Pray of those in harm's way.
Trust the Plan
Keep Fighting for your Freedom,
Ignore the Shills.
2018 will be GLORIOUS!