Something is off with the picture on the right. Is that a real background?
Yeah that but also bring it up and look at their faces in conjunction to the background. One is blurry, one isn't and, if anything, the background should be. I don't know, whatever, no big revelation even if it is shopped but still very odd to me.
Honestly throwing everything else aside that article was horribly written. They should have done much more research on their own and should have done a huge spread on the entirety going back to the FBIAnon and Mspionage days. But whatever, it is what it is. Just an elementary level article.
At this point I don't think they can put a stopper on the two things that they basically created. The destruction/hijacking of the left by anti-American types and the counter to that which is Trump and through him, the Q movement. I see it everywhere now on every social media and in the world just walking around. The world knows about both and there really is nothing they can do save "population control".
Frankly I still don't think anything can stop the coming conflict but this does buy time for people to prepare themselves.
Exactly. There has been not a single example in mankinds history where two such vastly different ideals are forced to share a country/city without conflict. Sooner or later one destroys the other.
Most people live in a bubble surrounded by a protective barrier of bullshit and have no clue what the real world is like. Think about it, think about your entire life, nearly every single thing you do, learn or whatever is suggested. First to your folks and then to you.
Snowden. Refer back to previous "Q" post a few months back. Same general location. Surprises me people didn't consider a disguise while also considering they have him on 24/7 surveillance.
Indeed. Overall they didn't take into account that most people truly do not care about that type of shit. Most deal with their own drama from a spouse, noisy kids, bullshit local drama, etc and couldn't care less about some skank having a fucktard meltdown after she decided to suck five cocks.
I don't know. I definitely can see it not happening while Trump is in office but afterwards, I don't know. These commy fucks aren't going to be mass suiciding and they will likely have fucktarded gremlin babies so sooner or later they will cause some serious issues. Bottom line in my opinion, you never let a potential enemy force sit on your doorstep. Your remove immediately before it gains steam and spreads. All it takes is one bad generation to destroy a country.
>We are Q
No, it's not acceptable. It's fucking moronic as it makes the situation look like a cult believing a unified message amongst themselves instead of showing their being clear drops from a solid source that people can look at and (maybe) decipher. All saying "we are Q" does is embolden the famefags to start saying "I am Q" and thus it limits people paying attention to the real one. It's simply stupid.
I am well aware of everything happening but I still think the smart move is to cut the cancer away (always) before it spreads. Though I realize such things are taboo in this modern era so I also realize it will never happen and society will be forced to endure them.
I am disagreeing with the way it is being interpreted and how afterwards it was used to promote the movement. If people want to run around calling themselves "Q", fair enough, but if the person is a fucking moron (which anyone would be if they run around calling themselves that) then it makes the positives look pisspoor and, worse yet, could be used against it by the corrupt assholes trying to shut it down.
Shill? That's a new one. Yeah you could say I know a bit about the movement but, by all means, if you feel different, carry on.
Question of the day my clearly intelligent friend… why would we even need to discuss an article considering we, every single fucking day, already discuss the issues that the article attempting to write about? Hmm…
>we just need EXPOSURE
Meh… I DO understand how some would see this. I simply do not agree for reasons I am not going to bring up less it is used against the situation. However, I think exposure is good but only when done flawlessly and not without holes.
Contrary to what some may convince themselves into, this is not a game or an extended version of webslueths or a means to get a few patreon bucks. People are fighting hard from many different facets of society against a very old and very interconnected enemy. But, again, if you believe that is a good thing to glorify, fair enough, not going to debate it.
Now THAT is a great question anon, kudos. I hope you consider it to yourself (truly - no sarcasm).
Unfortunately I do not have the ability to project. Emotion plays no part in such things as I truly wish people would accept.
A) We already know where it comes from in terms of flawlessly - Q anon himself.
B) See "A"
C) None
D) I agree
My point is, who is the one source that we know is going to present what needs to be known? Q themselves, yes? Further, I would be willing to bet 90% of the people looking at these things arrived at their conclusions by their own due diligence, time and research. In other words, they know what they know because they took the time to look into it and discover it. My point is, we don't need a middle man. We simply need to direct traffic to anyone interested to follow the same route we did so they are not impacted by a 3rd party and can, on their own, discover what so many others did. Just my two cents. You add a middle man, you muddy water and dilute the message.
Let's cut to the chase as you are an anon. I highly doubt you would acknowledge it even if true (no idea why you wouldn't) but, to the point, given your voracious protecting of the article, are you connected to it in some way? If so, say so, so you can ask what needs to be asked and hit what needs to in your next piece.
Yeah, expert shill attempting to assure the right message that pertains directly to the source gets out. Your intelligence is incredible….
Do you know what the Montrad technique is anon? You may wish to find that out. Very few have the innate ability to do it and you won't find it online but, suffice to say, there are patterns in every single thing which some can see right away and so few even realize they are doing. Splendid day to you as well.
So just so I understand you, you think a person is shilling when they wish to direct traffic to the actual Q posts instead of a shitty article that is akin to something a middle school student would write? Got it….
Well like I wrote you won't find it online (at least I doubt you would). Since it is a dead night with nothing to discuss and briefly. Every single thing a person does be it the way they write, they way they speak, their typical daily BS and ultimately how their life progresses is one giant pattern. You've heard the phrase "people are creatures of habit" I am sure. Well, it's true. Some people can genuinely spot these patterns and, from there, predict this/that or know a ton about this/that. My point is, people always give themselves away in one way or another. That isn't an accusation as I personally prefer direct talk but, bottom line, you may want to consider it for your own self. If not, no problem.
>You'd know we don't direct normies here
I've never heard this before and I've been around since before your friend told you about the amazing job opportunity. Huh… interesting.. ah well. Very convincing anon… I am positive many will buy that.
To name two things, yes. Now why do you think I brought it up?
Nope, not my style. No doxxing, no threats, would never do that. Just information you may want. You can figure out the "why" I'm sure. Should be child play for you I would think.
You are clearly not following… what did I write? I wrote direct traffic to the source which is "Q anon" did I not? I never once stated to bring them here did I? Sigh… I swear sometimes I truly do feel what I think may be emotion when I see how stupid some people truly are. Anyhow, carry on with your article pushing crusade.
No. I have wasted enough time tonight and have not looked at the two things I wanted to look at that are discussed on the private boards. It was just a suggestion for something you may have interest in, do as you will of course.
I like you, I think we're going to become good friends anon. It's not everyday I get to go back two hundred thousand years.
Literally two posters with over 50 posts each that have only made posts about the article (literally) while calling other anons shills. Classic double team agenda push. On an info night it would be buried by important info but it's pretty funny on a night like this to watch them go in tandem and the time between posts, words used, etc.
"ct" = Oct? You've been posting since October 28, 2016?
>I've been posting since ct 28, 2016
>I've been at this 8 months
Well the problem is… if you have been at this for eight months that doesn't seem to really line up with your claim of Oct 28, 2016? Ah well… must be a calendar error.
Ah yes, typos, got it indeed. I remember that day of the first post, do you? Just curious. If you were on the board that day you would clearly remember the BS about Sirius and Rigel, yes?
No idea what you are talking about, I simply asked if you remember that conversation. You don't? I thought you were on the board.
Just to let you know, for the past hour, you (676c77) and (25cd37) have posted literally in unison within seconds of each other (seconds…again and again). Probably a weird coincidence I'm sure.
So, hold on… you are saying that conversation never happened? Please say that is what you meant.
So, in the span of an hour… two posters posting within seconds of each other (literally 1-6 seconds) is probability? Hmm.
>we're both passionate about this article
Why? I mean I can understand being passionate about tossing a facial on a hot chick or something you yourself are associated with but you two have, in unison, for hours now, only wrote about that article. Again and again, one after another. So why so passionate about it? Illuminate us.
So your passion is to stop "shills" from preventing an article you claim to have no connection with from being known to normies? Hmm….
Ding, Ding, Ding. Fucking finally someone will break up this utterly obvious stupidity of shit.
>because i love humanity
You just gave yourself away. Did you not read or learn anything from my suggestions? Sigh… You truly do not realize who many "anons" are, do you?