By interviewing anyone that claims that name
You are very yellow. Might wish to look into this.
The article linked aside, the ego is strong here.
Good Luck, with whatever you decide to do!
If no one person is above another, then why do you think so highly of your own words, I wonder?
Whatever your answer to this, Good Luck with what you have Chosen to do.
I think critically. This includes You. Is this not what You wished for?
I Love You, Anon. Thank you for your thoughts on this
You know Yourself.
Trust Yourself to create the truth which is Yours, yet please do not forget to consider that Others are also "You", but with their own Truths to define Them and Their actions.
Thank You, for All that You do.
I can never make a point that can not be refuted in some way. Do You See?
Thank You, for being true to Yourself and what You believe in, Anon.
I Love You, no matter what.
Who are You to decide this course of action for Others, I wonder?
I am Noone, which is exactly the point.
If tripcodes did not exist, or disappeared, how would You know Q?
Answers to Questions reveal more about the Questioner than the Questionee
Thank You, for your input.
> it needs to be in notables so everyone can decide for themselves. that's why.