Huge shill pushing that crap article for 4 breads now. Got butt hurt it was pulled from notables.
Huge shill pushing that crap article for 4 breads now. Got butt hurt it was pulled from notables.
MANY anons agree with your assessment. Yet this faggot keeps pushing it. Even wanted it in global notables. Won't let it drop. Tells you all you need to know.
Only ones agree are you. Be careful IP Hopping. You know you get confused sometimes and mess up. Just like tagging you own post last bread and talking to yourself, hahahaha
Careful, you're losing your temper again.
Well said baker! Thanks for the glorious baking. <3
>>2067576 1a689d
there's 2 of your ID's right there.
You're running, what 4 or 5 right now?
BTW: wasn't me that had 30 post last bread.
> the first ever positive media article in the Q movement history.
This line is getting old and tired.
See what a butt hurt little baby you are???
You care about you more than other anons wished, the wasting of bread and the legitimacy of what we do here.
you're up to at least 60 posts now pushing your article. By now, anons know exactly what you are. We're a lot smarter than you give us credit for.
good job anon. You got here to reply with 2 of her ID's
You are just boring now. Bye.