Well, he posted a super rare pepe. Must be legit.
Wait, so you mean this place isn't about Corinthians? Fuck.. had me fooled.
>And there I was..
Well, you should have known this if you were posting here at /qresearch/ since November like the rest of us..
Actually, Q comes from the Lost Mongolian Tribes of the Himalayas..
what the actual fuck?
I don't know about you, but I found the article to be beautiful.
Also, it goes deep into the background and history of Q. Some historians have been claiming Q was happening as long as 300 bc, but not with modern technology Q can finally happen!
>The more you know.
At least, I'm not the one about to get fired.
Yep, telling people that it's fake and gay.
Leaf Bread is sleeping.
And why do you feel the need to bring up Leaf Bread in the first place? Trying to continue controversy? Get over Leaf Bread already.
Article is complete bullshit. You don't serve someone food that is ONLY 10% poisonousโฆ
But your images are great, is really what I mean to say.
So you call Anime Pedo? Are you new to chans or just retarded?
And here you go again bringing up the past. Sigh.
>It's all so tiresome
Holy shit, what am I witnessing right now?
BO, the article says that Q is comes from 365 bc from the Corinthians. It is not a great article, it is literally garbage. like jews
What the actual fuck is happening? Are you this new?
I would appreciate it if you would stop attributing sexual intent onto cute anime images. The proper response is should be cute and humorous not sexual and perverted, thank you for choosing 8chan for all your Q related needs.
The mirror? But you're the one attributing sexual intent, wouldn't that make you the pedo?
I still don't get your point, neither do many others. But nice Good Guy George Bush Senior???
the actual fuck is happening?
Well you should check em too.. Because that anon you called a newfag is just counter narrative to the 66+ poster.