If Q allows the deep state to get away with yet another election I'm done with all this bullshit. Been waiting since 2017.
I'm waitin' like patience on a monument, waiting for justice to be handed down.
Sometimes I'm unsure if I filtered an actual shill, but then they IP hop and confirm I was right. Filtered again, shill.
that whore has a huge ugly leg tattoo she hides in most photos. She's a whore. The fact that she's actually beautiful and pure aryan makes it even sadder.
If I accept Q as my savior will I get into Heaven?
My dream is to play Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of a hot white girls with beautiful perfect faces.
my mom's probably hotter than your mom
I hope Lauren Boebert still has big tits after her surgery.
so do you have to stay a baby for eternity in heaven?