Obviously that's what the Indian side will say. Watch the video, does the Officer look Feral or mouth covered in blood?
Are India and Britain at war right now? The Indians are invited and are poor Guests, or the Host country India murders or rapes White Tourists. Big diff here.
Jews are simply attracted to positions of power because their God is Money. Many people in High Positions that do the Righteous thing so corruption is a potent action but not Human Nature unless you're a Jew or Nigger.
Children are usually inherently corrupt though. Give a 9yo some power and it becomes Lord of the Flies up in this bitch. So the corrupt politicians are indeed spoiled brats grown up in privilege almost always. When was the last time we had a Philosopher King?
It's obvious he's trying to bite the random scooter driver now. Fuck. Gunna pull a Mexico here and say we ain't taking that one back.
Did Jesus say that, or Mathew / Peter. Fuck off with your shit, Rabbi.
I'll judge Jesus by his actions. It's easy to say something and regret saying it later when you didn't mean it.
Meaning I'll decide on Jesus based on his actions. If you want words of what Jesus said about the Jews, I think you forget how sharp you can speak without curse words.
Hayzeus from Mexico that's in an MS-13 gang killing people or the one and only from Nazareth. Gotta be specific.
God was speaking through Jesus cuz he reached a super high frequency. Same way when you stressed vibing you do demonic shit like eat McDonalds and a tub of 2L ice cream in one sitting.