hi Leticia James PR shill.
is it because they're jews, or because they're in positions of power and influence and are corrupt?
White colonialists of India who raped Indian women want to know.
Poor Judge Merchan.
Trying to prevent the public he allegedly serves from learning about the fact that his family personally financially benefits the more they go after Trump (under false charges), with a 'gag order' to prevent Trump from personally publicly speaking the truth about this very real conflict of interest.
He must be pissed that it doesn't matter if he censor's Trump's mouth, for gag orders on Trump do not apply to the media, so Trump can just retruth media articles describing what Trump would have himself described anyway.
Judge Merchant of Death.
Isn't it a 'coincidence' that the pattern of false accusers weaponizing law enforcement to go after Q+ just so happens to exactly correspond with a pattern of those same false accusers personally financially benefitting in doing so?
It's almost as if the world is learning the business model of the bankrupt "US Corporation" that through fake news echoes of support is posturing itself as having political legitimacy despite the fact their activities are anti-constitutional, illegal, and treasonous.
Pretty sure you're projecting your own hatred.
>There's a distinct connection between those two narratives and the tactics that are used. Same clowns
ding ding dingwinner winner chicken dinner.
>using the term 'muhXXX' as you do is basic board subversion.
Calling it "subversive" falsely implies that the power the cult and their shills want to believe they have here does in fact exist.
It doesn't.
The power anons do in fact have, is in fact attempted to be "subverted" by the muhjoo shills, and other division shills, trying to portray Q and the board as "fascist, nazi and anti-semitic".
Isn't it a coincidence that your pattern of projection defending such shilling, exactly matches the shilling.
Nope. Some Jews hate, but the hate you're in fact talking about when you generalize with
>jews hate jesus
is a projection of your own hatred.
It's yours.
You're projecting.
You're not stating any 'facts' other than your own warped psychology and assessment of 17 million people you have never met nor even know the names of.
You're a source of hatred, ostensibly negating hatred.
Clown pattern
Clown pattern is to accuse targets of flaws or errors that the accusers themselves are implementing.
Anons can see it very clearly. Nothing you can say works. It's game over.
>"in the furtherance of criminal activity"
The Judge is actually claiming Trump aided and abetted the C_A, FBI, the deep state who orchestrated the narrative of 'attack on the capitol' by dressing up as Trump supporters?
Bzzzzt, kek
Your hatred is your own projection.
Globalist cult can't lose Ukraine, the truth will bury them all.
The longer the uniparty and Biden admin show how valuable Ukraine is to them that they would get the US taxpayers to give up hundreds of billions of dollars, the more they expose their interests are nefarious and criminal, not compassionate and legal.
Everything the Trump admin built to improve peace in the middle east, the Biden admin is destroying.
These wars would never have happened with Trump admin 2020-2024
It's not working, cult.
The common enemy is you and your international terrorist masters.
the WH under Biden likely assisted in the spread of Avian flu
The ADL is a hate group, like you and your ilk.
It's even more funny how muhjoos are too stupid to realize their bullshit isn't working.
Dunning-Kruger is palpable.
>declaring people as part of a 'hategroup' is hate group behavior, isn't it?
So a jury that convicts and labels a man as a murderer, are all murderers?
>isn't 'declaring people a hategroup' the kind of thing that those who are said to be hategroups do?
said by who?
Merely saying something, and what is true, are not necessarily synonymous.