Jewish fragility.
I think the point that has been made over the past four years is that our corrupt Election System cannot be fixed.
Too many criminals running the show including the corrupt Justice System.
Our Country needs a complete overhaul.
The Patriot version of Build Back Better.
You can go ahead a be a rug to be stepped on if you want to.
The Jews love stepping on brainwashed Goyim rugs.
The entire New Testament is written almost completely by Jews.
So they are calling Jews antisemitic.
Jesus doesn't love people who have turned their backs on him and deny Him.
Go be a Jew somewhere else Morty.
Why don't you go teach your Jewish friends about Jesus?
I'm not Jewish.
Go preach to your Jew friends and turn them into rugs to be stepped upon.
I was merely stating a fact.
Jews hate Jesus.
It's just a fact.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.
If you are a Christian, then you should minister to the Jews, get them to become Christian.
If you are Jewish, then enjoy your shekels.
Because Jews are Chameleons. They use White people as camouflage.
After they eliminate all of the Whites, they will have nowhere to hide.
All Jews hate Jesus except for Jews for Jesus.
Jews actively HATE Jesus.
Some people just don't believe in Jesus, but the Jews actively HATE him because Jesus claimed to be God. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, and they just cannot have that in their religion.
It's like oil and water. It doesn't mix.
You clearly know nothing about Jews.
Sound yummy.
You're funny.
Enjoy your shekels.
Now go get ready for your Shabbat dinner tomorrow.
Go to the market and get some gefilte fish with your shekels.
Nope. Jews hate Jesus.
Not my hatred.
It totally belongs to them.
The people who claim to be anti-hatred, actively hate Jesus.
The Jews are the ones who are projecting.
I am merely stating facts.
Tell me that you love Jesus and explain Christianity to me.
I suspect that you are not a Christian.
I suspect that you are just a shill poser.
You don't even understand Christianity if you can't explain what it is.
Do you claim to be a Christian?
Then please explain it.
Why do you love Jesus?
Well for one, he claimed to be God, which is blasphemy to the Jews.
What does the ADL think about Jews for Jesus?