>Give me memes or give me death!
Copy. o7
They have "justification" (tm) for anything they do, thanks to "religious ideology" (tm).
>Do you even know what the Sabbath means?
>why must you cucks always resort to calling someone jewish if they just happen to think that your myth is also a lie.
why must Jewish cucks always resort to calling someone "anti-Semite" (tm) if they just happen to think that your opinion is also a lie?
>I'm not saying they should stay or leave. I'm asking why they are FORCED to stay because no other Muslim country will offer them refuge. Let's be a little even handed, yes?
A better question to ask is why Israel believes they can FORCE the Palestinians to leave?
>because they had a piece of paper that said they could from the brits.
Kek. That same "piece of paper" (tm) also explicitly stated they were prohibited from attacking or using unnecessary force on the local inhabitants. We see how that went.
The brian-washing of Jews is beyond astounding. For all the shit about muh "Cabal" (tm) and their beliefs, Jews are just as fucked. They literally teach Jews, at a very young age, they are the "Chosen Ones" (tm) by "Divine Right" (tm), and all other non-Jews mere "beasts in human form, meant only to serve the Jews." They also believe that since they are "above" (tm) the rest of us, via their status as "Chosen" (tm), Jewish Law (tm) supersedes Common Law, which isn't the case. Of course if you point any of this out, Jews immediately scream "anti-Semite" (tm).
They just don't want people like me kicking the soap box they're standing on, 'cos we believe in a level playing field.
Kek. Get a rope.
Kek. I don't believe in fairy tales. I could give two shits what Jews "believe." That bullshit ends with them. Same with Christians, Muslims, et al. We're at a point in our society where we need to have a serious talk about "religion" (tm).
Oy vey! That's 3 "anti-Semitisms" (tm), Anon! Two more and they'll re-educate you!
>Samson Option?
They could be that cray cray, but if they launched anything, the entire world, starting with Russia would glass that place into nothing. Remember, their belief is that "Gog" (tm) amd "Magog" (tm) bring upon the cataclysm. They honestly believe that shit, so they can't be the ones that start it. Their entire "blessing" revolves around their doing it behind the scenes.
>who's God gave it to the Jew?
Who's "God" is superior to Common Law? Let's just out all the supremacist belief systems, shall we?
>Let's say white woman wears a Afro wig on fox news what would the black African negroid community say?
Kek. It's hilarious watching these fucking retards pull shit like this and think they're getting away with it. They absolutely do not care that all eyes are watching them now, because we're beneath them and they're the "Chosen" (tm).
>Not true for all Jews
A point I have made clear before, I didn't however, this time.
>only a subset.
On this point we will disagree. I believe, through meticulous observation of Jews of my own accord, that it's actually a large majority hold these supremacist views. Only an infinitesimal number of Jews resist the supremacist ideology of the Judaic belief system.
>Also, that view is also taught to children of all bloodlines around the world.
Why on earth would you say "bloodlines?" We're talking about religious ideology. Religious ideological views are more potent than muh "Bloodlines" (tm).
>It's a problem everywhere
What's a problem? Religion? I agree. I believe it should all be outlawed, 'cos for some reason those religious types just can't keep their bullshit to themselves. They want to believe in make-believe, that's their business, but to force common law to capitulate to religious ideology of one over another is the anti-thesis of the US Constitution. We're all equal are we not? So why do some feel they're (((more equal))) than others? It's not just them. But they're the only ones we're not allowed to talk about. ;)