Anonymous ID: 2d438e July 7, 2018, 5:06 a.m. No.2068618   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8709


Have you read this, yet?

Here's an excerpt.


"[Slide 12: California Desert]

Under the California Desert Protection Act, passed by the 103rd Congress in October 1994, 8 million acres of land were set aside. Prior to the passage of that act, 12 million acres of land in California had already been set aside. Under existing or pending legislation, 80 percent of the state of California will be off limits by the end of the decade.


Not only is the WWF out to transform the western states of the U.S.A. into a vast nature and game preserve off limits to any kind of economic development: As part of a longstanding British monarchy commitment to overthrow our Federal Constitution, the WWF is working toward the Balkanization'' of North America, the bustup of the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico into what one leading ecologist has labeled theNine Nations of North America.''


[Slide 13: Nine Nations]

On several occasions over the past 200 years, the British have attempted to break apart the United States. The most well-known case was the Civil War–the British were the guiding hand behind the Southern secessionist insurrection. Notice on the Nine Nations'' map that one of thenew nations proposed to be carved out of the United States, No. 7, is to be called ``Dixie.


The British have not forgotten Australia, either. Prince Philip was the personal founder of the Australian branch of the WWF, and he continues to devote a great deal of his personal attention to the continent.


[Slide 14: Australia WWF]

A look at the map of Australia makes the point very clear. Between indigenous reserves (i.e., human zoos) and other set-aside lands, the WWF has managed to practically cut the continent in half, almost cutting off the eastern and western halves of the country and insuring a semi-permanent state of underdevelopment.


A review of the history of WWF, which we do not have time to go through here, would show that the post-World War II so-called environmental movement, was nothing but a revival of the Eugenics Movement of the late nineteenth and early 20th century. After the Nazi genocide, the term eugenics'' was discredited, so the same British and allied European and North Americanelites who backed Hitler changed the name to ``environmentalism and went right back into the genocide business. To illustrate the point: WWF founder Sir Julian Huxley was president of the Eugenics Society in 1961 when the WWF came into being.


Prince Philip, world spokesman for WWF and the chief officer of the Club of the Isles, put it succinctly at a March 11, 1987 address in London:


``The simple fact is that the human population of the world is consuming natural renewable resources faster than it can regenerate, and the process of exploitation is causing even further damage…. All this has been made possible by the Industrial Revolution and the scientific explosion and it is spread around the world by the new economic religion of development.''


Prince Philip is lying. Lack of genuine economic development, willfully blocked by Philip and his fellow genocidalists at the WWF and in the Club of the Isles, is the only ``limit to growth.'' Destroy the political and financial power of the Club and nothing stands in the way of a new Renaissance."

Anonymous ID: 2d438e July 7, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.2068912   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8917 >>8960


Anon, if you have nothing to dig, would you

I think it's really important. I'm trying to do bit of digging here and there but RL prevents me from doing any serious digging - constant interruptions due to caregiver duties.


Anonymous ID: 2d438e July 7, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.2068991   🗄️.is đź”—kun


What concerns me is the Cabal, in the guise of Environmentalism, is buying up millions of acres across the world and declaring them National Parks or Reservations or Protected areas and in the process, driving off indiginous peoples and exclusing the local populations from access. It's e form of genocide/eugenics'/depoopulation a la Georgia Guidestones masquerading as concern for the environment. Fits in with what Q said about those whom we trust to be acting in our best interests being the worst perpetrastors of evil. I mean, environmentalism is the new religion - everyone is on board with the concept of saving the planet (except for a few sceptics like me and hopefully other anons who have always had our suspicions). And the Windsors, especially William and Harry are knee deep in the Environmentalist cause, as is their father, Prince Charles, and his father, Prince Philip.