Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.2068284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8299 >>8333

The following reviews Q Posts about the significance of the photo of Hussein on a sofa with a Pakistani friend. It will be followed by a summation of the questions that those posts have raised for Anons to wade through and to work at answering, bit by bit.



Here is a summary of what appears to me to be the context for the scope of that task as per Q Posts 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1524.


Search Hussein admin for someone with no facial hair and who had security clearance without having undergone a background check.


There was no cross examination of denial of FBI security clearance, because the Hussein staff requested and was granted an FBI bypass. The unusal origin of the request, or the unusual origin of the individual, formed the basis for the foregoing of the usual FBI background check and security clearance.


That bypass is related to the IT scandal. Awan had access to classified emails, summary (summaries) of security meeting notes and briefings and so forth. Awan (or his company) worked with no FBI background check or clearance but relied on the FBI bypass.


The purpose of Awan's access was to enable a leak to Pakistanis which openned the way for infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood. Or it opened the way for an attempt to infiltrate the Muslim Brotherhood.


The IG report on the FBI's investigation into the HRC email server means less than the bigger issue.


Focus on the bigger issue. President Trump is taking political heat on these smaller issues because of the reasons he spoke about in the "speech that will get POTUS elected".


There is so much evil and corruption, that it is horrifying, and we owe it to our children to sort this out right.


The face of the individual is important. Match the "other person" with a foreign post in the State Department.


Look through the list of State Department employees with foreign posts. The "face" is important; this person is a facade or front for something important.


The Inspector General Report (on the FBI investigation into HRC's handling of emails) included a note about the Clinton Foundation and crimes against children. That note is important because it comes directly from an official document. See the note's author's official statement on his document.


This is the beginning of the revelations about the horrifying extent of evil and corruption (in the Hussein Administration or in the Deep State).


Some people are not prepared and will not be open to learning about these revelations; they are not yet ready to hear about it and when they do they will suffer the pain that somes with shock, sorrow, anger as a consequence of becoming more aware.


That is the big picture reason for the ways in which President Trump has been handling these various issues.


Regarding the Sofa Photo and the dig that Q set forth as part of the overall mission he described in the "speech that will get Trump elected":

Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.2068299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8346 >>8362 >>8428



>>2052639 Previous (#2589)

Your remarks are encouraging.


On your positive note, I wish to offer something sincerely ant-like.




In 1524, Q set forth a dig: "Track history".


The "perfect match" with the "other person" was not directly confirmed, however, Q indicated that the proposed photographic match is relevant to the task ahead. That match identified Sohale Siddiqi. (AKA Hal Siddiqi. AKA Sadik, Sal.) as the person seated next to Hussein in the sofa photograph.


By "other person" did Q mean:

  1. The other person on the sofa with Hussein?

  2. The other person in the room, the photographer?

  3. The other person who is somehow related to both Hussein and either 1 or 2?

  4. The other identity that Hussein used at that time?

  5. Another individual that connected the two persons on the sofa?

  6. Some combination of the above? Does the scope exclude any item?


The scope of the dig:

A. Track the history of the photograph?

B. Track the history of the "other person"?

C. Track the history of the relationship between Hussein and the "other person"?

D. Track the history of Hussein's living arrangements at that time?

E. Track the history of Hussein, using the sofa photo as a data point in the timeline?

F. Some combination of the above? Does the scope exclude any time?


Criteria by which to "track history":


i. Hussein's college/ university years.

ii. No facial hair.

III. Origin.

iv. Foreign posting with Hussein State Department.

v. FBI bypass: "unusual" to forego background check; depended on "usual" reasons/means to forego clearance.

vi. Face or facade or front of something or for someone.

vii. Crime(s) against children.


Scope of this dig, "track history", might include more criteria, but not less than this list of criteria?


For the broader mission for which this serves, see the big picture in President Trumps speech that "got POTUS elected".




Obvious disclaimer: The preceeding is drawn from my own reading of Q Posts and of the work of Anons here -- and more. My own reading.


So if there are errors in it, that is entirely on me and not a direct reflection of the credibility of the material presented by others. As I had gathered my thoughts on paper, and now in pixels, I thought I might as well share, FWIW.

Because I find the material fascinating and feel compelled to contribute in some small way, this is the place I've come to think outloud, as it were, and to engage with the thinking of others far more adept at doing the heavy lifting intellectually and better equipped to do so skillfully.


Returning now to lurking.


For all all that all you have done and are doing and will yet do,



Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.2068349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8368



Good stuff. The device at the top of the window in the photo of Portland and Hamilton – that device is used to enter secure areas – such as customs warehouses and the like?


Wonder if the device, or the vehicle, was "borrowed" for the stakeout.


Do these devices include GPS so security could track comings and goings at secure areas?

Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 4:48 a.m. No.2068511   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Do the outward features of the device itself, at least what little is in the photo, narrow down make or model – and so its manufacture date. Reaching, I know.

Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.2068600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8623



Vehicle's device gave it security clearance, to some extent, and so also the occupant(s)?


Presumably, to enter an area the vehicle and occupant(s) would carry something, like that device or a card, to show to security?

Anonymous ID: 7bba1a July 7, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.2068782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8809

>>2066822 Previous (##2606)

>>2065905 Previous (##2606)


Another photo to add to the collection on the Western Pacific Kindergarten near intersection of Hamilton and Portland Streets in the Q posted photo, Who do you see?


Portland Building, 101-107A Portland St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

Google Maps, posted by a travel guide, March 2017.


Notice the school sign above the gated entrance that leads to the entry to the 2nd floor facility. Also, see the poster on the wall; it looks in fairly "fresh" condition and depicts children in school type setting.