Anonymous ID: 89a8e3 July 7, 2018, 4:45 a.m. No.2068496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8508 >>8545 >>8565 >>8584 >>8719


Over the 9 months of Q being on the scene, along with anons getting out into the public consciousness, Q/anons and Qanon becomes more real, more interesting and more valid in the eyes of many.

It's simple marketing.

It's like Coca-Cola.

Everywhere you look, you see Coke signs, commercials, etc., nobody markets better than Coke.

Something this prolonged like the QAnon phenomenon, just starts to stick and it can't really do anything else but stick.

We are everywhere.

It's really something to behold.

Go ahead, debate how real or not Q may be, but facts are…the Qanon phenomenon is probably surprising Q and POTUS at the power of what is taking place.

Don't be fooled by the shills on here, or the liberal MSM with their condescending articles trying to make fun of the QAnon phenomenon, the power anons and autists have forged is awe inspiring.

For those on the fringe like far-left liberals, or liberal MSM watchers who get their entire news from these liberal propaganda outlets, even these people will soon start to come around and take notice.

The longer we can keep up this pace up to stay front and center of Joe and Jane public and the rest all around the world, the more credibility we will earn.

The POWER has always been in our hands.

We are doing it!

What is taking place right now is an incredible fight of good over evil, and it's being done in such a way that this will be discussed and talking about forever in how war, battles and fighting had changed the world.

This is what we have all been waiting for our entire lives.

We are the ones we have been waiting for our entire lives.

God bless you all anons!


Anonymous ID: 89a8e3 July 7, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.2068813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8844


Very good point anon! I agree, I bet it's much tougher for Q and POTUS to keep everything contained and tidy with all they have, as opposed to letting everything just rip.

I think Q has mentioned this already, which is not simply that they have enough evidence to bring many of these evil people to justice, it's that when they do bring these evil people to justice and specifically the big ones like Obama and Hillary and Soros and many others, but that the evidence will be so incontrovertible that even the most die-hard radical liberal leftist will not be able to disagree.

It's like playing poker, when you know you have a hand that can't be beat, patience is always on your aide to let everyone play out their moves first.

Good call.

And you may be right, Q and POTUS may have thought the QAnon phenomenon would be this big, this powerful.