Anonymous ID: a1f657 July 7, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.2068292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2067916 (lb)

Regarding the essay on Trump mentioned in

>>2067868 (lb)

there is too much to pick, it is just a great read .

It gives insight into Trumps mind and motivation, into the minds of his peers and their opinions on him.

But anon wants and anon gets. Here is a quote from it:


'He says that his concern for nuclear holocaust is not one that popped into his mind during any recent made-of-television movie. He says that it has been troubling him since his uncle, a nuclear physicist, began talking to him about it 15 years ago.

His greatest dream is to personally do something about the problem and, characteristially, Donald Trump thinks he has an answer to nuclear armament: Let him engotiate arms agreements - he who can talk people into selling $100 million properties to him for $13 million. Negotiations is an art, he says and I have a gift for it.'