Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 4:38 a.m. No.2068457   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8480 >>8519 >>8539 >>8655 >>8746 >>8954

A few hours ago we were looking at the Peter Strzok / Melissa Hodgman "marriage" and how it might have been used by the cabal.


No need to look further.


"We now know what the FBI knew after they seized the laptop during a search warrant at Weiner and Huma Abedin's Manhattan residence: There were thousands of documents on the laptop related to the Clinton Foundation, including offshore financial records.


With that evidence - as well as thousands more of classified emails linked to Hillary on the laptop - FBI sources said agents and brass knew immediately the Bureau would likely reopen the criminal case against Clinton. And ex-Director James Comey did just that two weeks later.


Hence the rush to get an insurance policy in place at the SEC in case things heated up on the white-collar crime side.


With Hodgman at the SEC and Strzok at the FBI it would be virtually impossible to even know what cases linked to the Clinton Foundation had criminal merit, if each were trying to keep all things Clinton-related quiet.


But Charles Ortel, an expert on the financial dealings and filings of the Clinton Foundation believes having chess pieces in place at the SEC and FBI were only a smaller part of a much larger game for the Clintons.


"The Clinton "business plan" to monetize government is broader than simply gaming one agency - they saw an opportunity to create unregulated globalist government and seeded many organizations with like-minded persons, some of whom were simply naive, but all of whom ultimately are corrupt," Ortel said.


Ortel, a private investor and writer who exposes large complex international frauds, understands the labyrinth of the Clinton Foundation's international scams. And while the foundation itslef is not a public company which would fall under the SEC's regulatory umbrella, its finances remain entwined with dozens of public entities that do.


Ortel has laid out many of these relationships on CrowdSource the Truth on YouTube every Sunday, dissecting the complex financial schemes of the Clinton Foundation.


Ortel said having a hook inside the SEC would certainly benefit Hillary Clinton.


"The SEC is a civil agency that only prosecutes criminal cases in concert with the DOJ," Ortel said. "It is a prime instrument that can be monetized readily - lawyers there typically migrate to jobs as partners in uni-party law firms, so they can, it seems, be managed to favor politically connected donors from both parties."


This amounts to a very sophisticated white collar protection racket of sorts. If there were illicit contributions to the Clinton Foundation from publicly-traded entities in any country - even companies listed on foreign stock exchanges - the SEC still wields a tremendous amount of power to sanction, sue, or refer criminality to the FBI."

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.2068476   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8483


Oh, Richard Branson's in the evil nepotistic preppy mafia cabal along with all the rest of them.


Just "suggested" America redistribute all its wealth evenly to get rid of "wealth inequality".


How about you STFU, Richard?

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.2068516   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The Strzok-Obama connections


Jesuits, always Jesuits. Not enough that they're polluting the entire country with their indoctrinated drones out of the School of Foreign Services at their own damn university, Georgetown. Control freaks.


I hate all those corrupt freaks more every single day. One more person here bitches about "I've been here for six months", and I swear.


Some of us got here via multiple other paths via FBI Anon, and from Pizzagate, and even from damn Reddit. These weaklings are disgraceful.

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.2068638   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Man, they're scared as hell.


I'll tell you what screwed the evil preppy nepotistic mafia cabal:

This whole Q movement didn't hurt at all, but the Information Age murdered them with extreme prejudice.

Before everything we have access to now, they could cover their tracks.

They loved the internet, but they were careless and made mistakes, and it turned on them and stabbed them in the throat.

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 5:25 a.m. No.2068711   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8724

There are so many adjectives that can be attached to the cabal.

This morning I'm leaning toward Racketeering Preppy Pedophile Mafia.

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 5:43 a.m. No.2068784   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yes - these are temporary paid actors, doing the bidding of whoever will pay.




Now go to their "clients" tab. G4S has used them.


There are other companies in the US performing the same function.

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.2068827   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

We can never, ever trust ANYTHING we see or hear from the media, or in any situation that even faintly appears to be orchestrated, ever again.


NOTHING is ever as it seems.


This is straight from CrisisCast's website:


"Our media trainer specialisms include social media, high level strategic communications, in-house film-making and online news media. We include live roleplay from professional actors who undergo psychological training with our own in-house behavioural psychologist, Katy Baboulene. By maintaining an overview of the total training requirement, we are able to maximise the longevity of each delivery through seamlessly blending the learning across live, filmed and facilitated content.


The CrisisCast Simulator brings together scripted, simulated and real-world injects, using all our principal skills in immersive scenario training to create a high-octane digital communication event that rapidly embeds the right protocols for the successful social media outcomes from a complex incident."

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.2068896   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

CrisisCast is in the UK. Found Crowds on Demand in the US, but given population in the US, there must be more than one crisis actor supplying agency.


Home office is in Beverly Hills. You can't make this shit up.


Here, you can do a Google search to see where they're booking protesters via Craigslist:


"We started to get a lot more informants and infiltrators into the organizations, and then we knew what really was going on. And that's been really, really successful as a tactic, to infiltrate. And you can see how successful that was in places like, you know, the Republican National Conventions in both New York City and Minneapolis, where we even got people to - you know, we were able to encourage people to do things like, you know, do acts of violence, which then would make it possible for us to come in and sweep the streets and bring in large amounts of SWAT team tactical police. It was really effective."

Anonymous ID: e11e87 July 7, 2018, 6:03 a.m. No.2068907   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8913 >>8924


>Qโ€ฆ Not enjoying the part of show where Congressman Jordanโ€™s nephew dies in a car wreck while at the same time he has an unflattering nuisance case thrown at himโ€ฆ and I am sure you are not either.


>Love to see some black hat pain that pierces the msm censors.



Time to hit them back, Q. You said pain; cause some.