11AM London time is 6AM EST.
On Monday April 8th.
Lots habbenin' that day.
For some reason.
11AM London time is 6AM EST.
On Monday April 8th.
Lots habbenin' that day.
For some reason.
Can't find it! Anon needs help.
I am looking for the vidya of the dude that turns the cat's meow into a song…something something "I like it when the dog pulls my fur"…
Anyone have it?
Starting to think various countries are creating/making up stories to "declare a National emergency". Like they need to keep the real reason hush-hush.
OH LOOK… it just so happens to fall on the path of Monday's Solar Eclipse…..
What a koinkydink.
>where the quake in NJ/NY was felt the hardest and by many reports, was… in SE Florida…including West Palm Beach and Miami.
Felt by Trump (and Family)? <sarcasm>