>what in the hell is holding back all of these girls' dads?
Look at all the girls. Reconcile.
>what about their moms?
Again, look at all the girls. Reconcile.
>surely they are not concerned about being "cancelled"?
No, they're concerned about losing their jobs, their homes, their livelihood for being accused of being "White Supremes (tm) by "protected classes" (tm), such as muh "LGBT" (tm), muh "Chosen Ones" (tm), muh "African Americans", et al. They're not even allowed to defend themselves, thanks to muh "White Privilege" (tm). Whites have absolutely no legal protection. None. Which is really ironic, considering this is America, the "land of the free" (tm) where all people are (allegedly) created "equal" (tm).
Except some animals aremore equalthan others.
That is what's holding back all of these Moms and Dads. My family, we took the hit, financially, to teach our kids at home and keep them away from all this bullshit.