Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.2069035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9213 >>9272


Recall A7-MBK was seen leaving USA on June 30 (pic)


Evening planefag watch bird-dogged medevac choppers last night. I wasn't able to confirm ANY doing something other than medevac. It was difficult to ascertain where the choppers actually landed and took off unless flightaware declared it but many flew patterns that matched medevac. Got 69 screencaps. Most interesting one departed out of Ft. Belvoir and went N toward BWI then we lost it.

Planefags now have a list of 37 E35 choppers dedicated to medevac duty, their owners, and home city.


Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.2069283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9288 >>9293


We are all fags. It's chan terminology. It does not mean homosexual. I'm a memefag, a planefag. We've got clockfags, bakerfags, every kind of fag. Newfags is simply a generic term that means a person who is new here. Don't get bent. Just read the chan for a couple of days and learn our comms.

Start here:

and here

Don't post until you have read both of those sites in full.

Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 7:04 a.m. No.2069371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9379 >>9388 >>9442


Unknown. Looking Glass was apparently the name of a facility circa 1970s that used strong EMFs to torsion local spacetime and allow viewing through a portal. It was somewhat ad hoc in terms of what it could reliably view.

In 1990s a highly placed person who was familiar with DoD adtech informed me there was some kind of device that used longitudinal EM waves in the manner of a "telescope" but could peer at any place on earth including inside buildings, under ground, etc. They never said that device had time capability but I presumed it did.

I am personally 100% convinced that the same is now accomplished through the use of quantum computers, whose registers are dealing with quantum probabilities, and whose observations of those qubits (quantum calculations) in fact affect the trajectory of the timeline.

CERN's space-warping experiments are also seeking to affect the timeline and/or open a dimensional portal. Scary stuff.

When Q said "we have it all" I think he actually means literally that: /ourguys/ have it all. We have the superior technology and know how to use it and are using it to make things right.

Using the team of anons and our memetics and other activities is a part of /ourguys/ plan to take back control of the timeline and steer it back toward a normal, healthy life where material and spiritual growth again become possible, unthwarted by satanic POS evildoers whose endgame is extinction of everything normal and exploitation/consumption of the multitudes for the benefit of the few.


Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.2069495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9540 >>9559 >>9571


Yah sort of, except my belief is that Q team is driving the timeline, not just checking it and making short term accurate predictions. Remember when Q dropped about Game Theory? Another name for that is Operations Research (old school term from military circa 1960s). It means they are gathering data from all the relevant data sources, feeding it into a massive (I do mean massive) simulation program, running the simulation, and KNOWING with a high degree of certainty what the outcome will be. This is social modelling but goes far beyond that. What if they had enough computing capacity to model the exact path of a single water molecule going over Niagara Falls? I used to think that kind of data storage capacity and computing capacity did not exist and could not exist, based on calculations approaching the number of atoms in the universe. I am now persuaded otherwise. They have demonstrated the capability, and it's just a matter of extrapolation to see what they are capable of modelling. WHERE they got so much data storage and computing capability is beyond me. Whatever it is, it's something that has not been disclosed to the public. Holographic data storage? Data storage outside of known spacetime in other dimensions? Read up on the Exascale Computing project of the DoD to know what is publicly disclosed, then extrapolate something far beyond that that remains top secret.

Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.2069507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9623




Your goose is cooked.


There is NOTHING you can do.


Kick and squirm all you want, but your power has been defanged.


/Ourguys/ are winning BIGLY.



Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2069644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What they are doing is so far beyond what Asimov and pedofaggot AC Clarke envisioned… But their writings are a starting point for the imagination, sure.

Anonymous ID: 2a8dc0 July 7, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.2069712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721

>>2069417 The left is clearly a gang of lawless morons. Anyone who decides to stay with that group instead of walking away has chosen to be a permanently hopeless moron. My own extended family is nearly 100% tard….as they see it all slipping away, they are becoming hysterically insane. I have no more compassion left for them….put them into the fields with the other losers.