Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.2069108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Nothing to see here

What does your comment even bring to the table, apart from attempting to spin a shit sandwich?

>Nothing to see here

Apart from domestic terrorists exonerated from rioting during the inauguration and now bringing civil suits.We will now literally pay Antifa for this. This is another embarrassment and blow to justice.

This board is full of garden variety pussies who refuse at all costs to objectively look at reality. MUST SPIN INTO GUD STORY

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.2069162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9232


I don't know the answer and neither do you. In any event it's not in any way a persuasive argument and certainly not proof. What I can calculate is how many times Q has posted blatantly false information in bad faith. There was the fake Podesta email back in January, the bad Photoshopped National Front flag he claimed was Antifa, the fake Bilderberg video on father's day, and of course welcomeaboard.fake. That's just off the top of my head. What's the math on that?

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2069350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9416


> Display the alleged fake Podesta email, display this so called Photoshopped flag, and which post the video.

JFC is your mouse broken? Can't find all of a sudden? Or you just never read the Q drops? That kinda makes you look like a faggot, no? If you retards refuse to read Q drops, what good are you?


Here's the source of the fake Antifa flag:


Fake video Q passed off as real:


Anything else I can research for you? Are you aware of Google?

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.2069473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9566 >>9598 >>9771


Are you being willfully stupid?

  1. Q responded to an anon who called him out claiming the Antifa flag is the Nazi flag. Q posted a doctored pic as proof. It was fake and Q tried to pass it off as proof. There is no other way to spin that. Q posted a fake pic as proof. Not the first time.

  2. The video was proven to be doctored. It was called out by anons as soon as it was posted. It was edited to make it appear that Obama endorsing something he wasn't. The video also claimed it was taken at Bilderberg. It wasn't. Q immediately posted to unedited video afterwards that verifies all of this. Did you watch it? Do you read the Q posts? Q got caught and tried to back peddle once again. Again, how can this be new to anyone who follows these boards? Are you new here?

  3. Once again, are you new here? The Podesta email was proven fake as soon as Q posted it. It is a well known fake. So fake that Q deleted his post. I can prove that it is fake because it simply does not exist in the WIkileaks Podesta email trove. Not there. Entirely made up. Q had to delete it after he posted it with the filename "proof". Anons called him out.

Are you new here, or just pretending to be stupid? These posts are indefensible. As to the welcomeaboard, your spin is ridiculous. Q was caught pushing stock photos as proof he is inside AF1. Spin away. It's why this board is called a cult.

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.2069560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9577


Please restate this explanation. I'm interested but not following this sentence you wrote.

What do you mean that the email had plausible deniability built into it?

What was a threat to them?

The email was fake. Was Q claiming it was really from the NSA and un-released? If so, does this not violate Q's assurances that he is not dropping classified intel, but only hints about open source info in order to build a parallel construction of proof?

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.2069609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9676


Qanon pub contains deleted Q posts. Q nuked an entire board of posts and they are still retained. Q deletes post fairly frequently. The point of an archive is to archive.That's how it works.

Q never stated anything about the video. The first time he posted it without any comment or context. Then some anon got all excited about Q "having it all" and Q responded again with happy father's day. The implication is that the video was legit and trustworthy. It in fact was neither. It was doctored 100%. Look at the very next post from Q. He back peddles and says "lead in was cover" and posts the full undoctored video of Obama. The video is a speech somewhere else entirely, and in this version Obama is REFUTING the stuff the other video makes it look like he is ENDORSING. But Q posted the first doctored video without comment. It is part of a pattern of posting fake proofs to anons. It is sloppy at best and deceitful at worst. One time maybe. Twice, fishy. Three times and you're out. Four times and you're rubbing our faces in it. Hard truths, anon.

If the email exists but is classified or sealed evidence, then Q is breaking the law. He claims to only posts hints to open source info. This would be violating that and putting his entire operation in jeopardy.

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2069642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9651 >>9653 >>9679


Because if you really cared about this project, you would care about the truth. You would verify all things and demand proof. Further, you would always state your enemies' strongest position and always uncritically analyze your weakest position. If you can't or won't do this, you will be crushed. You would rather go with blind faith than proof. That's why you'll lose. That's why people call you cultists. Your response proves that you're simply an angry cultist. No arguments, no logic, nothing but rage at facts that don't support your hope and confirmation bias. You're undermining the very thing you want to believe in by acting like brainless retards.

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:52 a.m. No.2069684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9715 >>9731



>You unironically think Obongo is a good guy and that the Satan niggers don't hide their intentions in plan sight?

I've stated no such thing nor expressed any opinion on that matter. I'm simply providing evidence that Q is posting and linking to fake shit. That is irrefutable. Maybe he has reasons. I'm providing proof of a pattern. If we are continually told to simply "trust the plan", then the plan better be fucking airtight and now riddled with sloppy fake shit. Otherwise, why trust? I trust POTUS. He delivers. Promises made, promised kept. Why would anyone undermine something as critical as the mission Q claims he is undertaking but posting such questionable garbage? The whole welcomeaboard thing is just one example. Maybe he had some super esoteric triple 5d chess move in mind, but on it's face it was divisive and stupid. It undermines trust.

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.2069707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9739


Show me exactly where I shill, shill, shill. Disprove what I posted. I simply reposted Q's own drops. Four of them. They are provable fakes. I don't give a shit about your anger or fee-fees, but you sure are angry at facts that don't conform to your belief system. Come at me with logic and reason. What did I post that is untruthful?

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 8 a.m. No.2069743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761


Why not just say, "anons, be wary of disinfo such as this video"? He didn't. He posted the first vid without context and then doubled-down and said "happy father's day" like it was a gift. He only posted the follow up vid AFTER anons started calling him out. That is exactly the truth of what happened. Spin it all you want. Even if you're right, that it was an elaborate test and secret message about disinfo, why leave even give the appearance of endorsing fake shit? Does that not arm the MSM with ammo to say Q is fake? Your reasoning makes no sense. And as I've stated previously, I laid out not just one post to fake shit but a pattern of Q doing so.

Anonymous ID: 7e984f July 7, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.2069757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9764 >>9777 >>9778


>i dont give a damn about your 'fake' q-drops.

They are not my fake q drops. They are literally Q's fake Q drops. Of course you don't give a damn. These are facts that contradict your belief system. You're brainwashed at this point. Facts don't matter. You're going on faith. Definition of cult behavior.