Anonymous ID: 8e5e0c July 7, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.2069226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9530 >>9688

This is a great article POTUS retweeted!

When they lose, Democrats just want to change the rules

As liberal fury over Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement continues to escalate, there's a clear mindset behind the Left's opposition tactics: "If we stop winning, we want to immediately change the rules." In the week after Kennedy’s retirement was announced, some Democrats have revived their calls to “court pack”— increase the number of seats on the Supreme Court and fill those seats with justices sympathetic to their social agenda. This is something they also called for during the confirmation hearings for Justice Neil Gorsuch.


One Newsweek headline put it boldly and bluntly: “How Democrats can make Republicans pay for Justice Gorsuch.” We’ve seen this tactic before at times when liberals have lost. Immediately after the 2016 presidential election, liberals called for a popular vote victory rather than one based on the Electoral College.


They aren’t even trying to hide that their agenda is simply focused on stopping conservatives rather than playing fairly and genuinely arguing policy. Fair play recognizes both sides are constitutionally required to adhere to the same rules and stay within the margins of the Constitution. The Democrats’ rhetoric is a classic tactic to continue to move the goal posts and basically gerrymander favorability for one side.


What I find most incredulous about liberals’ argument is how they feign disgust at conservative originalist justices for “literal interpretation” but then their very own plan recognizes they have to interpret the Constitution literally and textually to achieve their results. In other words, they are actually using the very text of the Constitution to recognize it gives Congress power to set the number of justices on the Supreme Court, and it further gives power to the president to nominate a new justice and confirm with advice and consent of the Senate.

Anonymous ID: 8e5e0c July 7, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.2069323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9417

This is how completely ignorant Liberals are…

"When Republicans changed the rule of 60 votes needed to confirm a Supreme Court…"

DEMOCRAT Harry fucking Reid changed the 60 vote rule, fuckwit!