Anonymous ID: 929eda July 7, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.2069078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9168





Question: Does anybody know when Western Pacific Kindergarten shutdown?


Answer: Not clear that it has shutdown in either of its two locations.


  1. Google Maps shows two locations but shows Portland Street permanently closed.


  1. Portland Street had a sign above it street-level gated entry Mar 2017. The school's webpage shows an interior photo with a banner 25 Sep 2011 and other interior photos in 2017.


And a Quality Review dated 2016 (although file name shows 2009).



School listing in directory at Schools Hong Kong.


Portland Street FB page shows photos that go back to Dec 2011.


  1. Waterloo Road had no sign in a Jan 2017 Google image, but the sign is up Oct 2017, and it is lit at night Dec 2017.




The webpage has contact information.

Anonymous ID: 929eda July 7, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.2069324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9351




Yes, Hong is densely populated, mind. There are other kindergartens and at least one primary school nearby.


Also a hospital with children's ward.


In the UK, pedo / rap gangs used take-out food joints and taxi outfits. And, to return to your point, in the UK the gangs also plugged into Child Services such as care homes. Entwined into the night time economy, of course.


That pattern does not condemn all kindergartens, daycares, primary schools, and the like. Gotta stick to facts with eyes wide open, right?

Anonymous ID: 929eda July 7, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.2069547   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes, just so.


In the UK the pattern was noticed almost ten years ago and only now are the gangs being tried for their crimes. Hard sledding ahead.


Facts. Facts. Facts. Fact patterns lead to convictions. Horribly, it also requires victims to come forward bravely. And parents and righteous people to not turn away but to persist, persist, persist.


Infuriating, all of it. Can overwhelm.