Anonymous ID: 9329de July 7, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.2069437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9520

Morning meditation On Justice and punishment.


Like in business Criminals enterprise also work on the same Risk/Reward principle. A lot of Good well intention people think that it is enough to clean up the earth of the criminal Cabal and just removing them from power is enough. No real need for punishment and justice. No need for disclosure since they will be out of Power etc…. just let it slide etc…


The Stupidity and pure naivety of this line of thinking is outright dangerous. In 10 years they will be right back at it. And the world population will still be defenceless, because only nut case like US will be aware that this kind of evil exist. And this time we wont get a second chance. Never forget that they "only wanted to kill off a few billions people and enslaves the rest of humanity for a few century"


If we want to put a permanent end to the Cabal we will have to have disclosure and public Punishment. Yes I said it, the Public must be aware at all level that this kind of evil exist and is punish.


Why is it absolutely necessary for the public to be aware of the REAL evil that the Cabal was up to all those decades? Think of it as a vaccine against tyranny. Future generation need to be able to recognize Evil when it pop up again. Theirs crime and theirs subversion of our institution need to be taught in our university and college in order to protect future generation. In 50 years the public must be ready to counter anyone person or group that would want to start a criminal Cabal again. Because They will try again and again…….


Punishment is so important. We want anybody who is tempted to do anything like this ever again to think twice about it. And not just for a generation… but for a few century. The sentencing and punishment must be on the same scale as the crime committed. The trial and punishment must be taught in School for future generation as a deterrent!


The White hat must be ready to go all the way or just give up now.


Dieu Vomit les tièdes!