The biggest problem with the article is that it portrays Q as a group of "conspiracy theorists" unhappy with our corrupt govt who used to communicate while playing DoomII PvP over modems, who now opened an 8ch board to share their theories and info with the public.
This may be true, which is why we can't get a solid proof from Q. If anons work at twitter, maybe they delay Trump's tweet 5 minutes from being published while a corresponding Q post is made here. If similar tactics are the reasons for these Q proofs from anons working in the CIA, Mossad, or whatever, it would explain the sudden push for this article because autists are catching on that there may be fuckery afoot. It tries to give an innocent explanation for the larp while remaining appealing to normies for providing them access to inside info, which may be nothing more than cabal conditioning and misinfo.