Anons, I have looked at the evidence posted by the OP, and I have to be honest, I just don't see any evidence of a conspiracy here.
As a former high-school teacher, I see a bunch of boys who went into the cave on a dare, together with their young and immature, irresponsible (and maybe really low IQ?) coach. Classic, no matter what country you live in.
Yes, Thailand is full of child-trafficking issues. And maybe those caves are used for smuggling, dunno. But where's the connection between those two facts, and a bunch of kids who got trapped? If they're connected, fine, show us the sauce. I'll read it willingly and with an open mind!
As for the British diver who left, the story you cite says "Harper, who is 70, left ahead of his two colleagues for a health checkup." They've already had one SEAL fatality, and you want to question why a 70-yr-old has had enough? Smh
Hilarious that you suggest that they've had no water to drink, when TOO MUCH WATER is the problem, hello? And as for food, there's no doubt that they were fucking starving in there, when the first SEAL finally found them–but there's no reason to think they'd be dropping dead already after "only" 9 days.
And as for this gem, all I can say is just wtf:
"Apparently they walked 4 kilometres in the dark. Your normal flashlight will never last that long." Four kilometres 2.5 miles. Yeah, my flashlight won't last the hour or two it takes to walk that…