Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:18 p.m. No.20698658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No man shall speak for another mans land

Don‘t eat your totem


You don’t have any junk DNA

The environment you live in should be an extension of your immune system

Your snot, sweat, tears, blood, urine, semen, spit, hair, tone nails etc. should go in your garden

Your garden will see what lives in and doesn’t live in you and will give you what you need when you eat from your garden

Nourish your soil and you nourish your belly


If you have a pet try to swap DNA with it

The process of epigenetics will give you access to each other

Meditate. Concentrate on your pet. Cast your mind.

Practise: night time. You can’t find your animal. Close your eyes. CLAP!!! Project your consciousness to your pets mind and see where the clap came from.

You don’t need steel, plastic and conductors to make drones. You are my drone. I made lots of drones for you.


Every square inch of this planet has been soaked in your blood and semen

Semen is full of magic (ojas)

When you consent to your magic going down the drain it then belongs to whoever owns the drain

Who owns the drain?

Who owns your magic?


Your genetic code is a key

Who have you given access to your genome?

You can take it back. Just stop consenting. Keep your magic.


The marriage of Cadmus and Harmony was the last time the Olympians dined with mortals.

Why? What happened?

Are you divine?

What is your totem? Who is your totem? What have you been eating?

Do you eat packaged foods?

What do all those numbers mean?

Medical waste? Are you eating Soylent green?

Weyes Blood - Andromeda

Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20698660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8666 >>8670


Cows are magic

Cow dung burns clean and can disinfect your house/cave

Ghee is the only natural substance that produces UV light when it burns

Psylocibin mushrooms can reunite you with your past lives and ancestral memories


If there is a calamity and you can go underground with some cows you can survive and keep your culture alive

Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20698662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012

What colour is my skin?

Turn Blue – The Black Keys



You have incredible untapped power in your body

A fully developed human can take on a US aircraft carrier

You can fly and you can shoot lasers out of your eyes, and out of your third eye


When developing a sentient species one of the most important interventions we undertake is hemispheric specialisation. Learn about your hemispheres. Experiment looking out of your left for 5 minutes. Then your right for 5 minutes. Observe the difference between these two aspects of your consciousness. Try to operate out of Sushumna all the time. Do the following and you will have your power level near 9000.


  1. Learn to balance your Nadis.

  2. Learn to sit in full lotus for half an hour

  3. Wall sit five minutes

  4. Horse stance five minutes

  5. Learn one of the languages of God. I don’t care which one pick one. Pour yourself into it. Allow yourself to circumambulate. All paths are valid. All paths ultimately lead to the same source.

  6. Learn to hear the voice of God and do as it tells you. Stop dancing with the Devil. You don’t have to do that.

  7. Learn the practice of Tratak

  8. Learn to focus on the same thing for 15 minutes without getting distracted

Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.20698665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jesus wept on the cross, not because He was dying, or because of the pain. He was betraying His friends. They didn’t understand His message. They couldn’t. He had to lie to everyone He cared about. 9,000,000 ft view.

In iconography deities often have many arms. This is not because they have 12 or 64 arms growing out of their back. It is a reference to projecting your consciousness. Doing work in more than one place at the same time.

The man who nailed Jesus to the cross looked at Jesus as a brother. He felt like he was nailing a part of himself to the cross. So did Pontius. Only Jesus truly perceived what was occurring. He looked at them with His own eye and back at Himself with their’s.

Have you ever met someone that was so much like you that you thought it was the same person? Do you like the same music, food, football team? Maybe even have the same name, and look the same?

It is true that there are many souls experiencing simultaneous incarnations.

Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:21 p.m. No.20698672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Usury is to be outlawed

The money lenders are being thrown out of the Temple

The new centres of the financial world will be Riyadh, Mysuru and Charters Towers

Gold will be the standard for now

No more shall they hurt the little ones

They are about to learn what it feels like to be cast into the ocean with a millstone about their neck

Wall Street will be reclaimed by the sea

The London square mile will fall into a new tributary of the Fleet and Thames Rivers

Basel will fall into a new European caldera

Anonymous ID: 4f266e April 8, 2024, 3:21 p.m. No.20698675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let us participate in the magic of creation together

Go to wild places

Give your blood, sweat and tears to the land

Let the land have access to you and she will give you access to her

Mother Nature can teach you to be a conjurer

You can drive the clouds and ride the wind

Stay awake and keep your spine erect on the new moon

On the full moon let us dream and meditate together

Let us imagine the creatures we want to bring back

Let us give to the Earth and ask to see her babies again

Mother nature holds all her babies safe in her belly

The greatest wisdom penetrates the inner most rooms of the heart