30,000+ dead. The International Court is on Jew Coffee break. Biden says just smaller bombs besides the ones we gave you. Trump says let it play out. RFK says it's just the kikes defending themselves.
Well that's blunt.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No.8168745 📁
Feb 17 2020 21:29:50 (EST)
To be blunt….
That's it. Enough is enough.. Just vote. It worked in Arizona. 🤡
Anonymous ID: deb9fa No.143329 📁
Dec 21 2017 20:31:58 (EST)
Soros takes orders from P.
You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Fight, fight, fight.
Day of days.
Game over.
>People who enter our country illegally aren’t “New Americans.” They’re criminal illegal aliens.
Trained in Euthanasia.
Seen it too many times. BFD. Changed nothing.
She looks happy to be there. He looks like maybe he's had a drink or smoke in his life.
When the intelligence community meets the intelligence community but were not briefed beforehand on what to say.