Anonymous ID: af9af0 July 7, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2070965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0975 >>0980 >>1000 >>1019 >>1177

Blacksheep anon here.


How big daddies of the world choose their soldiers: capacity to take orders.


Currently liberal anchor used to be a conservative and said bad things about liberals.

Looks like a contradiction. People who find themselves in her position must

follow orders given to them. They can never stray, too much at stake for big daddy.

How do you test for capacity to take order?


Capacity to take orders means you don't filter instruction for benefit. You do it

even when there's risk to you and no upside. When she said those things, she was

taking a risk and could not realistically expect a big benefit from it. Bingo, we have a good

girl on our hands. She does what big daddy says.


Ever notice a corporation will hire talented enfineers for mid-low level positions,

but when it comes to executives they are dumb jocks who look good in a suit.

He has an MBA, give him a million dollars for being a yes man. What's the purpose?


Remember VW? They trusted an engineer with sensitive info. CEOs all around the world

are involved in shady shit, so the people nearest to them need to keep their mouthes



An engineer has loyalty to engineering, a talentless yes man's value is taking orders

because when the trial comes, if they betray their boss, who is going to hire them?

Anonymous ID: af9af0 July 7, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.2071019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1059 >>1177


Anyone in military knows what I'm talking about. People speak of Navy Seals

as mavericks who are just better at soldiering than everyone else.


Who here has tried out, did spectacularly at tests, and got passed on?

When Navy looks for Seals, they measure capacity to take orders.

When you are dropped behind enemy lines, you can't count on the

enemy aiming at the other thousand soldiers to your left and right.

You must execute suicide missions, you must take orders.

Physical fitness, keeping cool under pressure all secondary.


Notice a lot of higher ups have useless degrees. Economics is a

pseudoscience. Why? If you are given a useless task, and you do it,

it means you don't question an order.


Who here did some time in a college chasing a liberal arts

degree? The minute you start asking why, you want to leave.


People with expensive, lengthy degrees in specifically useless subjects

are good boys and girls who do what big daddy says.

Anonymous ID: af9af0 July 7, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.2071059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1078 >>1177



Finally, why all the pedophiles in power?


Why would a politician take orders? Because if he doesn't,

there's always blackmail to coerce them with.


Have there been any politicians committing career suicide?

Rich old white lady says MS13 is the light of her life.




Consequences of not doing it are much worse.


You can call them evil, but it's better to understand the other side.

Good boys and girls who do what big daddy says, but

they were not very careful when they decided who their

big daddy was going to be.


Look at NK, there's forgiveness for you too. Come clean.