Macron's wife must have a really bad incontinence problem to need pads that big.
Macron's wife must have a really bad incontinence problem to need pads that big.
GFY with this slide. Proof or GTFO.
Maybe she takes it up the exhaust pipe.
Chubbles had sto mcome from somewhere and Slick Willie wasn't up to it.
I reckon a blowjob from Chelsea counts as anal.
>Chubbles had sto mcome from somewhere
Dyxlexic digits. Chelsea had to come from someahere.
Way bigger than this?
Way biggerโฆ
Let the tendies hit the floor
Then againโฆ
Nope. That bloke from Harry Potter.
A bit like San Francisco, thenโฆ
Who promoted Elon to Prime Minister..?
It's a shame that his upward climb is not like his rocketsโฆ..
Concur. U-PVC and PET are recyclable.
It is when you're broke and you have no filament for your 3D printer. Kek.