BRICS relies heavily on Leeching off the West. You are a fool to think they can just fork off unless they're planning a full takeover of NATO via economic warfare / dumping niggers into the West.
West is significantly more advanced in Tech than BRICS. BRICS relies only on infiltration / corruption. They can't just backoff now, they're balls-deep entrenched in Warfare against NATO over 60+ years so they gotta go All In.
It's a marathon. If America does bad, the parasites / leeches have nothing to feed on. It's like Fasting to cleanse the body. It will only become more obvious. There is only Winning.
Hunkering-down is the winning move here.
For now anyways. Just don't lose morale and find ways to Eat and drink. Easy.
Get out to vote and give normies some crumbs without calling them retards.
Shitstain shitting on a shitstain. Nothing significant here.