Federal Bridge Certificate Authority is the Technical Platform for Senior Executive Service aka ‘Deep State’
1993 Clinton’s FBI encryption backdoor key endorsed by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, John Podesta, James P. Chandler, III
1994 FEDERAL BRIDGE – ENTRUST PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) monopoly (see below)
1994 Clinton secures high tech rare earth mines in Congo and Rwanda using genocide pretext
1994 Clinton Chronicles documentary released proving Clinton’s racketeering, drug smuggling, money laundering, Rose law firm
1995 Highlands Group created by DoD to coordinate illegal public-private spy partnerships off the record; decisions used as pretext
1997 FEDERAL BRIDGE – ENTRUST PMI Portal Access (Privileged Management Infrastructure) monopoly (see below)
1998 HP engineer Richard C. Walker starts filing a string of patent for “The Internet of Things”; lays out a global spy grid
1998 George Soros told CBS that he did not regret working with the Nazis against his fellow Jews in Hungary
1998-1999 Kosovo War used to clear out Christian Serbs from Kosovo to create unimpeded land route for planned coming Soros-funded Muslim migration; created genocide as pretext, like in Rwanda
1999 FEDERAL BRIDGE – ENTRUST PKI for Wireless monopoly (see below)
1999 Precursor to SERCO (SI International) formed by ex-Lockheed executives
1999 Clinton formed CIA In-Q-Tel as a public-private spy technology funding entity, abolished Glass-Steagall banking controls; formed National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) to run mass surveillance on all Americans from the White House
2000 NSA architect William Binney resigned; observed that NSA had “gone rogue”
2001 Clinton appointed James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) as he departs the White House
2001 In June, CIA whistleblower Susan Landauer warned of World Trade Center attack using airplanes; she was imprisoned without trial
2001 In July, operation “Stellar Wind” to spy on all Americans was approved by DOJ
2001 On Sep. 04, 2011, Robert S. Mueller, III was sworn in as Baby Bush FBI director
2001 9/11 used as pretext for Patriot Act takeover of American privacy and property Bill of Rights
2001 FEDERAL BRIDGE – ENTRUST Enhanced Internet Security PKI monopoly excuse following 9/11 (see below)
Conclusion: The Federal Bridge, aka Federal Bridge Certificate Authority was the Deep State shadow government, aka Senior Executive Service (SES)’s actual technical platform for how computer systems across the Internet could allow the spy state to tap into any system in real time.
Company Overview. (2003). Entrust – Securing Digital Identities & Information. The Federal Bridge: A Foundation of Trust. Entrust.