Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.2071382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1421 >>1431



So, here's what's going to happen if you keep fagging up the board with that article.


ANONS are going to email the author (protonmail) and tell the author his article if full of FAIL and explain exactly why. I would then expect any ethical "journalist" to delete said shillary and move on. You've been at this now for two days. If the article means anything to you, by all means send it to all your friends. ANON disagrees with you and apparently we disagree EN MASSE… so if you wish that article to still be up by the end of the day, I'd SHUT THE FUCK UP and archive that shit, because I've got my email to the author written up and ready to go…along with proofs that the article is full of shit. One visit to this board would prove it. thus you are either the author or a fool, or quite possibly both.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2071481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1548


And exposes (((YOU))) as the author. Any journalist with his or her salt would investigate claims they've been tricked.


ANON…here's proof the article shill wrote it…claims emailing the author is fruitless…was expecting that response. FAKE and GAY!

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2071538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1558 >>1568 >>1580 >>1630 >>1702


You are unable to accept consensus, which is what ANON runs on, that the article is fake and gay, IT IS. It is not going to red pill anyone who even half bothers to investigate..and will IMMEDIATELY discover the thing is fake an gay. So one has to question the motives of anyone promoting that asshattery. The pusher has completely outed himself as the author of the shitty article. The author SHOULD care about his reputation..there is nothing "sympathetic" it's bullshit. ANON is not Q, bakers are not Q, they have nothing to do with Q drops and the insinuation that they are in private coms with Q in order to do so is completely contrary to what Q says (no private coms)…so either the "author" is part of the CBTS shit, or he's a fucking idiot that failed to go and check for himself that what he wrote is bullshit. BULLSHIT. ANON accepts consensus and moves on…now we've got two asshats who just can't do that…articlefag and fungalfagget…

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.2071570   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes, I would say this is correct.



exactly. that's why article shill announced my "threat" to email the author and point out exactly why/where the article is incorrect…didn't phase him at all. HE is the author.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.2071671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1685 >>1693


>3. If BLP is employing shills like yourself to promote their article - BLP is not on our side and neither are you

OLDFAG knows ANONs accept consensus. Consensus said KYS in regards to that nasty lying article…AUTHOR of said article on here now refusing to accept consensus. That's all the proof we need.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2071682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1714 >>1812


>The two, whoever they are, took it upon themselves outside the group, to talk about Q, etc.


>I am one of those who think addressing Q outside these comms is a fucking land mind.


EITHER the author of the article, or the fuckedinthehead no longer ANONs, namefagging asshats who put themselves forward to be "interviewed" LOW IQ dipshits who think it's good.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.2071737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765 >>1945


>but stop using the word "consensus"

Then you FAIL to comprehend the nature of the herd of cats. We collect ideas, good ideas are kept, built on collectively…meaning I post something, I DO NOT OWN IT. Other anons agreeing can take what I posted, refine it and improve it. BAD IDEAS ARE IMMEDIATELY SHAT ON…that is how a herd of cats works.


Notables are not nominated by the "author" they are nominated via consensus. That's why butthurt bakers are ejected.


All the fucking newfags who just popped in (claiming I'VE BEEN HERE SINCE OCTOBER) well assholes, us oldfags been working this shit for YEARS. YOU are in OUR world now. Q came to OUR world, not yours. YOU followed him here. Nice, now learn how it fucking works.




GOOD IDEAS refined, reworked and spread.



Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.2071752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1767 >>1770


>The board absolutely hates you. Keep on spamming bread after bread and we will petition BO to ban you.

CONSENSUS is, the board absolutely hates articlefag…and I agree, it's not going to be long before CONSENSUS petitions it to be banned. We've not even done that to fungusamongus…that's how fucking much we hate that article. BO agrees…thus,…it won't be long nao…buh buh articlefag.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.2071869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tell me about the consensus of global warming.

Based on the hacked emails of the East Anglican University climate scientists (was there from the absolute beginning and literally watched each email KEYS being confirmed) conpspiring together to hide the medieval warming period from the data in order to make this warming period seem unique, it is absolute consensus of those who even KNOW about the climategate emails that it is in fact fuckery. IN FACT today there is FINALLY an article "mentioning" that it is an underwater volcano "just discovered" (kek) that is causing arctic ice to melt, something we were discussing years ago. So, there's that.


what idiot planet did you drop from newfag? We've been at this shit for YEARS. The reason Fast and Furious was of no interest is because we dug that years ago. If Q wants to link that to some happening currently, and he apparently DID, it has nothing to do with the FACT that we dug that shit, know it inside and out, and it was a waste of bread to keep digging something us OLDFAGS already KNEW was a problem, know where the problem was…and WHO DUN IT. Q linked it probably for the fucking newfags who are just now discovering the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.2071903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935


>What can we do for Jim Jordan now?

not a memefag..but was thinking about your request…perhaps side by sides of Chuckie saying the deep state has a thousand ways to strike at you along with the thing that made our spidey senses tingle and sounded like a direct threat from RR to Jordan? That link is pretty obvious…his nephew…:( and the ancient "the doctor fondled my gonads whilst I turned my head to cough and Jordan knew)…both things are super spoopy…considering what RR said…he sat there and threatened Jordan, on camera.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 12:20 p.m. No.2071989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2182


NO it's a very very effective herd of cats. that's why Q came to us.


GOOD IDEAS worked to perfection


BAD IDEAS kicked the fuck out.



back in the day when someone kept pushing an idea the cats ran from, they were called an egofag and run out of town on a rail. When anyone claimed ownership of an idea they were run out of town on a rail…this method works…it's why the articlefag is gonna be run out of town on a rail.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.2072064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2084 >>2115


I'm a bit confused as to why the fungusfagget is not removed from the bakerlist. Banning her is not possible due to VPN, but letting her bake=insanity. It's like having JIDF crawling up your ass sideways.

Anonymous ID: b7b26d July 7, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2072308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the point is, herding cats is impossible

LOL that's the fucking point..herding cats Is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE, that's why, when good ideas are kept and refined, it means the are literally GOOD IDEAS because forcing ideas on a herd of cats is fucking impossible.


THUS if an idea is kept, it means it's a fucking good idea. If an idea is ejected it means it is a fucking BAD IDEA.


NEWFAGS…shitting up everything


OLDFAG..where the flipping fuck do you think I pulled the word CONSENSUS…OHHHH maybe from an ANCIENT explanation as to how this herd of cats operates? When a good idea is KEPT it means the herd has reached a CONSENSUS that it's GOOD.


Please, go fuck up reddit. NEWFUCKINGFAGS…you're NOT Anonymous anywhere but on this board. You'd fucking fail anywhere else.


You want to see how the herd of cats works when we're planning an op?…visit fact, have the articlefag go to post his work of art on half….kek.