Please read this post carefully. Don't get me wrong here, I'm pro Trump and inclined to be pro Q but there are conflicts which need to be pointed out, esp. to avoid a huge disappointment in a not too distant future.
Why is no one questioning the visible influence of Zionists in Trumps administration and those surrounding him?
Why is Trump so pro Israel? He studied in a Jesuit university btw, just like his kids.
Why is no one recognizing Vatican and Jesuit influence behind Trump?
Yes, at some point Q posted the Rothschild-Vatican-Connection and pointed out that satanists took over the Vatican. BUT what Q did with this, is to falsely portray the Vatican as the victim while it should be the other way around: the Caesareans in Rome stripped off their clothes and took on the papal frocks. "Caesar" was from then on called "Pope" and the Roman Empire continued to this day.
You can see the Vatican influence is still there:
The US flags STILL carry the Roman eagle on top. Fasces are still used, too. This clearly shows that Rome still has power over the US and is controlling or otherwise exerting influence on the Trump administration.
Watch who's BETWEEN the two and not BESIDE them! Do you notice the "light" above "holy" Dolans head? Do you notice the Vatican flag on the right?
Qanon = Canon = Canon Law
And in every forum here you'll find this in Latin language which is actually only used by roman catholic church:
Q says to read the Bible. A book which has been falsified and manipulated by the Roman Emperors. Everyone in the truther scene knows this - especially the higher up the power people, gosh!! - except blind Christians.
What said Q? Symbolism will be their downfall. Uh huh. This "might" very well be turned against him/them.
Why doesn't Q post anything more about Vatican/Jesuits or Kissinger and Rockefeller?
So what might be the goal behind all this?
Idea: The patriot and national liberation movement got hijacked and will be canalised into one movement which THEY control and steer. This very thing happened during Weimar republic and when the Vatican and the Jesuits took over the german liberation movement and steered it into their beforehand created NSDAP party, SS and so on. Look at the symbolism during the 3rd Reich! Couldn't be more blatantly Roman direct in your face!
So, what the Vatican and the Jesuits on top "might" do again - I say "might" - is to purge all the steps of the power pyramid below them in order to let it appear AS IF we got a "real" system change and liberation while the top steps of the pyramid remain in power in the background. They will even go the extent and release some new technologies, reset the financial system to a gold backed one (although we DO NOT NEED something like "money" at all!) which THEY of course control, give some free money to the people, erase debts so that everyone is happy etc.
With the above mentioned combined with some mass arrests of lower pyramid people EVEN the MASSES will start to believe/trust Q/Trump. Barely anyone will question or even think that this all might have been cleverly staged.
So I'd recommend this:
Unless the Vatican/Jesuits/Black nobility are not FULLY disempowered then we'll slide into a more liberal form of slavery where the bars of the prison are even more invisible.
With that here being said comes the warning: People are now aware and vigilant of this. IF this indeed turns out to be the biggest and ingenious deception, - which honestly I don't hope - EVEN this WILL be rigorously exposed!
And to be clear: No, I'm no shill, troll and no Clown. But I know the true history, the true puppet masters and that history might repeat itself, but in a more clever and insidious way. We as Anons shouldn't be too naive:
to think that THEY wouldn't be able to pull this off of this magnitude and
that THEY wouldn't absolutely, absolutely try everything (un)imaginable possible to once again dupe humanity.
Any ideas to add are very welcome.