Pig over the target.
Shills gay for Pig.
Pig over the target.
Shills gay for Pig.
Remember when the clown controlled fake news claimed that this was a "cOnSPiRaCy ThEoRy"?
They're trying to protect themselves from exposure.
You just admitted you're sitting on your hands with your fat lardass butt., doing sweet fuck all.
>but it started being pushed here by the malicious mimic that failed in his attempts so spends his days now running a fraudulent piety script as his way to cope with not being able to post MuhJoo 24/7 without being challenged.
What, you don't like the new mimic smear logic and then told "you're forgiven", or "God bless"?
That totally should have worked on anons here, right? I mean, wHo cOuLd qUeStiOn a PiEtY ScRiPt? You're not with the devil worshipers are you?