Anonymous ID: 874acd April 12, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.20716402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Terrified little pedophile powers:


I'm gonna say this again:


If we were Iran, we would let you sweat in your cowardice and fear, waiting for the "imminent" attack, until you were felt compelled to lie about that fact that it hasn't yet happened, which will eventually force you to run a false flag to get the ball started.


Of course, with your track record of late, this false flag will fail as well.


We told you: everyone in this world sees who and what you are now. God wants it that way.


God's will in all things. What kind of fears are in you? Kek Let's find out.

Anonymous ID: 874acd April 12, 2024, 9:26 a.m. No.20716568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey, tiny pedophile powers yearning for every thing that will cause them to lose all:


We wonder why your media, in its coverage of war, doesn’t refer to the dead as souls. They are casualties, a term that includes both the dead and the horribly maimed. A generic term from which all humanity has been removed.


Vietnam: 58,000+ American souls left the planet during the American genocide. Drafted, conscripted, forced to fight and/or die. All those American souls lost.


Only the beginning, since the day in ‘63 the Cunts in America, in conjunction with Mo’s-sad, murdered JFK in broad daylight in Dallas.


9/11: 3,000 SOULS lost while Mo’s-sad cheered its handiwork and even videoed the event. We wonder if occasionally poor Netty doesn’t slip away alone to jerk off to the spectacle. And that Patriot Act was so conveniently sitting on the shelf, in need of a reason, much like the Covid vax, waiting for a germ.


Ukraine: 500,000+ SOULS LOST, and who knows how many more maimed, injured, destroyed in this ongoing Ukrainian GENOCIDE.


Gaza: we’ve heard the 31,000 figure for months. Our guess is the number has tripled in that time. SOULS lost and for what?


So the fake Jews in Israel and the fake Americans in the US government can grab moar money, moar land, more loot? Or are all these souls dying around the planet because the US government is the biggest sponsor of terrorism throughout the world and doesn’t know when to fucking quit.


Of course, poor Netty is afraid, terrified of going to prison. So that justifies a million or more souls lost just this year alone. After all, Netty, they’re only cattle, right?


Maybe those of you in the world choosing to foist max suffering and pain upon every living soul in existence right now are just jealous because we all got SOUL and you don’t. You fear that when you die, and you will as we all are bound to do, no soul in you will be found.


Not true.


Your soul is still there and you will review its dastardly deeds in due time. But your soul is so small, only God could find it now. The rest of the world already knows you’ve wasted yourselves on dead stone gods, blood-lust and your pandora’s box of fears.


Get another aircraft carrier over there to Middle East. That should give you fertile ground for the next false flag you have to run while Iran makes you sweat by doing nothing, nothing at all. Yet.


God's will in all things. The thing you fear most you bring upon yourself. And if Death is your greatest fear…

Anonymous ID: 874acd April 12, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.20716608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey, tiny pedophiles cowering in a tower of Babel:


This is wholly for you. Godspeed.


God's will in all things.