>>20714742 pb
still know.
miles mathis less than 100% but yeah,
Nicole was a twin?
or fake death?
(mathis is a top-notch hang-out artist; But he's eons ahead of "AJ")
>>20714742 pb
still know.
miles mathis less than 100% but yeah,
Nicole was a twin?
or fake death?
(mathis is a top-notch hang-out artist; But he's eons ahead of "AJ")
>>20714471 pb
>>20714724 pb
>>20714731 pb
Megan Kelly an actual match?
Haven't studied it enough to have an opinon.
read recently somewhere that O.J. was drug trafficking related. (qresear.ch would probably pull it up?)
Top catholics secretly practice the rituals of ancient 'Rome'
vatican is huge. One of the TRIDENT of Power.
London , city of (orginally a "Roman" town)
Bankers capital, Knights Templar.
Vatican city (~spiritual power)
D.C. (Military Power)
The OWL built into the geography of D.C. is from Black Nobility FARNESSE.
"Watch the Water" Phonecia / Venezia (where Mark the Apostle is buried)
Many details need to be filled in.
Once you have the KEY that's breaks the code, the data flows like Water/ floods.
freemasons" of the top order? are the secret religion?
At the top they are alligned with Lucifer / Satan?;
"morals and dogma" Albert Pike, stated it outright; also Ronald Bernard.
"X-Factor" winner did a five hour piece on it very convincing