236 hours you mean
Sorry 336
Is love real or is it a lie to make you procreate
Hm okay so it‘s not
So love is a lie to make people stay together after having drunk sex
Idk man I‘ve been in bed with many girls whom ive just met and refused to bone them that evening. I feel like many of them don‘t take that well.
What does that mean in non-metaphorical terms. Sounds interesting but I seem to be too dense to decipher the meaning
When I‘m alone I can totally get into the idea of horny one night stands but when the girl is right there I feel weird to have sex with someone I just met. I want it to be at least somewhat special/meaningful. Maybe that‘s just me being a fag.
So in simpler terms you mean you invest all
The beautiful energy in a new relationship but neglect to keep doing so once it becomes
Long-term/ marriage?
Did you forget about the orbs?
I want to live in a world where everyone has an above average IQ
Man I wish I had a partner
I‘m hitting the Gym erryday
Yes that‘s what I want as well. I think the sex will also be much better than if you just met. But as I said many girls I meet want to bone right away. Last girl said when we kissed „lets save something for next time“ 10 min later she wanted to bone. I always think I am hurting them or being mean not giving them the sex they want. But it just doesnt feel right. But not too many girls seem
To be up to just spend some nights together.
Yeah I‘ll try that. Going to a bar tmrw with some friends. If I meet a cute girl I‘ll just directly ask her if she wants to spend the night and just cuddle. Interested to see what happens
Ha. Initial attraction is my strong suit. Not a stinky boi here. Got some prime cologne as well, ladies love it. Good call on the sheets. They are clean bit imma wash them anyway for good luck.
I… I think I‘ll pass, Anon
Dieser Keks nicht gerade politisch Korrekt
Is it superficial to strongly prefer blonde women? Im not even blonde myself.
I‘m lucky I don‘t speak German or I would be very upset right now
Kennst du den Witz mit den Japanern auf der Buchmesse?
Gehen drei Japaner zur Buchmesse. Am
Abend danach wollen sie im Bahnhofsviertel einen Puff besuchen und wollen sich dafür Kondome besorgen. In der Apotheke angekommen, merken Sie dass der Apotheker sie nicht verstehen kann. Der erste Japaner fasst sich ein Herz, nimmt
Sein Glied, klatscht es auf den Tresen und legt zehn Euro daneben. Der zweite Japaner findet das eine gute Idee. Auch er nimmt sein Glied aus der Hose, klatscht es auf den Tresen, und legt zehn Euro daneben. Der Dritte Japaner, da ihm auch nichts besseres einfällt, tut es den ersten beiden gleich. Er zieht seine Hose runter, holt sein Glied raus, klatscht es auf den Tresen und legt zehn Euro daneben. Der Apotheker guckt kurz verdutzt, aber dann blitzen seine Augen auf.
Er zieht ebenfalls seine Hose runter, legt sein Glied auf den Tresen, sagt „gewonnen“ und nimmt sich die 30 Euro.
People have been protesting their governments for longer than the USA even existed bro
Do you know what france is lmao
Shakespeare also wrote a play about a Blonde Frog becoming President of the USA
Tsänk ju mai frend