Anyone see a way back?
Solution: Repeal section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Make every one of these platforms liable for any fuckery they pull. Once a few class action lawsuits are settled for 10's of billiions of dollars these motherfuckers will straighten their shit up and fly right.
That too, will have to be dealt with. No, I wouldn't leave anything up to most of the courts in this country as the infiltration has been deep and wide. The judicial system as it stands today, is not functioning (by design) for the people.
The military has to honor their oath, step in and arrest the traitors under the Law of War manual. Judges, AG's, DA's, prosecutors, court clerks etalโฆโฆโฆ and put the civilian judicial system back on it's feet. Until this happens, the country will continue to be destroyed until there is nothing left.
Totally agree with you anon. It's bad and frankly, I don't see it happening in my lifetime. Sorry to say.
And they mean it this time.
Noticeable as fuck. Tired of this shitshow.
>He will never be able to walk without this happening again.
Not good enough. Think he gives one fuck? He would if he was standing on the gallows with just seconds to contemplate his plight as they put a good, strong, thick noose around his filth laden neck and then drop the trap door. Anything less and they keep right on.
I just scroll on by.