On the Queen's Death rehearsal… I cannot help but think about that long reddit thread years ago (2011) that has been posted here many times, about the elitist having an AMA on the elite and their practices and how they view us. (it was quite disturbing…)
but i saw this magazine cover. Now it is a total bullshit rag mag starzine (pic related), but, this elite person said they are taught through the torture and the rapes etc of their bloodlines and how powerful they are, that they can leave their bodies via this mind breaking stuff they are put through, and they can choose to be reincarnated back into their bloodlines. This magazine cover totally made me think of that.
I think this "funeral" rehearsal is some sort of blood ritual that will insure that the Queen's soul is born again into the royal family as a princess who retakes the crown
and we are still in the same mess because evil.
Now i know that sound just wack and bizarre but that is what THEY believe and who is to say its not possible. We have never been brought up into this weird shit but THEY have been doing if for thousands of years. maybe that is why they continue on and we just suffer at their mercy.