>its part of the old roman fortress
Fort Antonia, or the Antonia Fortress. No temple was left.
>its part of the old roman fortress
Fort Antonia, or the Antonia Fortress. No temple was left.
So what you are saying is it could be Jews making breakfast sausage and burger patties out of Goy?
>Is you saying fuck Whitey's laws they ain't shit
Yes. Pretty much at this point we've all given up, Brother.
>Am I missing something why this might be a strategy?
Yes. POTUS Trump is innocent and gets away Scot-Free. He will not be tainted by charges of 'Antisemitism', which is their strongest defense.
Finkelstein, Anon. Years of Finkelstein.
Right, well 'e prefers Radio 4, but there was that Penguin thing 'e found disturbin'.
>Rome built their shit on top of older shit.
Indeed. For the temple however, what did Jesus say? Therefore, Rome's sht built on top of older Jewish sht that was left standing is not the temple.
Demand the swagman getta Owens.
And no more I'll go waltzing Matilda
To the green bushes, so far and near
For to hang tent and pegs, a man needs two legs
No more waltzing Matilda for me
>Or was it just an illusion?
Is there anybody out there?
I've got a little black box with me poems in.
>Did i get that wrong?
No. But Q revealed control of Iran as well. Hence, July 2019 + 6 years we are saving Israel for last. Kek.