Why is there a Brazilian Military Embraer on the ground in Melbourne, FL? Is it getting refitted at a DoD contractor?
Why is there a Brazilian Military Embraer on the ground in Melbourne, FL? Is it getting refitted at a DoD contractor?
Why is there a Brazilian Military Embraer on the ground in Melbourne, FL? Is it getting refitted at a DoD contractor?
Autophagia at Berkeley
By Clarice Feldman
Berkeley law dean Erwin Chemerinsky has never been a favorite of mine, but I love irony, and this week he’s my avatar of people whose actions have come back to bite them. He has publicly bragged, for example, how much easier it is to avoid anti-discrimination laws in his faculty hires than it is in student admission, tacitly admitting that is what he has done and what he encourages others to do. But that seems to be of no avail to him now that he’s become a target for the Left and Jihadists acting in coalition.
One of his recent hires is Chesa Boudin, son of two terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. Chesa, in case you forgot, is the former San Francisco district attorney whose soft on crime policies were so extreme that San Franciscans voted to recall him, a highly unusual occurrence. (Chesa attributed this to the city’s “hard turn to the right.”) Chesa was hired to head the law school’s Criminal & Justice Center. To Chemerinsky, “Chesa has substantial experience across the criminal justice system. He has thought deeply about the system and I cannot think of anyone better to create and direct this important center.”
Go back to bed, Squeaky.
Elon Musk
“I wasn’t speeding”