It sure seems convenient that Iran attacks Israel now, on the weekend before the Bidet impeachment thing.
Oh, and THIS is what solved my problem.
Once you get to the screen where it asks for the login just go back to here.
Soylent green.
The other way is easier and doesn't screw up your time.
Yeah, getting older is no picnic, at least physically. I can still do stuff, but it hurts more.
Seems to me that this whole Iran thing is nothing but a contrivance to benefit Bidet. McStain was involved with I think the Hezbola, or some group in the middle east at least, so that suggests that the crazy lefitsts have "allies" that are actually our enemies. This whole "situation," seems to be a way to distract the media from Biden's upcoming impeachment as well as give him a chance to, "solve," a major world crisis. His polling numbers suck and he knows it, he HAS to do something if he wants to keep from having to deal with the consequences of his shady dealings. It's all or nothing from his standpoint. I dunno, but SOMEBODY is pulling the strings of Iran.