Because the synthetic biology material grows rapidly with electric fields present, therefore, photons (light therapy) is utilized and the distance between where you sleep and where the near infrared light source is at is a critical distance to ensure you’re not feeding adversarial synthetic biology that was malprogrammed and linked to a ChinaCCP “seed” system that needs to be removed not regrown.
Key Bed Design Notes:
The Synthetic Biology grows rapidly with electrons, therefore keeping the light sources far enough away from the body to not directly grow the synthetic biology with electrons, but with photon interactions is key.
Temperature: Warm in the 70s to keep any hydrogels from setting up, the infrared lights and NIR take care of the heat.
I drink half a gallon of distilled water with chelators before going to sleep with sodium citrate.
Pending improvements: further grounding to “-” ground of bed, integration of Lakhovsky resonator, data logger, additional scalar transmitters, scanner to detect anomalies, cognitive radio to listen into external environment and jam, HEPA air filtration with ionizer, ability to cycle closed loop blood for ozonation cleaning of toxins from the day as well as removal of synthetic biology through a strong magnetic field like this MENTs publication referenced at ORNL/DARPA. [3]
P.S. note on the iron not being in bed mattresses anymore (majority of them are foam), as more and more EMF electrosmog is added to environment being by iron is unhealthy and results in coagulation of blood, tumors and cancer. If you sleep on a bed of iron springs, then your body will be exposed to pulsating electromagnetic field harmonics from your local electrical grid overlaid with space systems and local ground based systems resulting in serious health effects and degradation. Therefore, beds sold now are foam.
Important Note: No M1+ Apple Smart Phone (Made in China) used by you, any other phone at both least arms distance away. Remember smart phones are not just phones anymore, they are literally non-kinetic defense devices. Keep the phone in airplane mode. My hypothesis is that smart phones also have scalar (non-transverse) transmitters in them that heal and counteract the transverse wave hurtful transmissions required for modern day connectivity.
Warning for your life, cyborg or bot: do not utilize the latest and greatest in-China Apple M1+ bionic chipset enabled device or smart phone near you at all, these are neuroweapons for ChinaCCP PLA now as their nation corupted America’s premiere hardware manufacturer and through to manufacturing capacity of Apple City weaponized since 2020 to export hardware neurotechnology pipelines to the world and alread has shipped and linked billions of people to ChinaCCP technocommunism system via hardware compromised Apple neurotechnology pipeline as well as software content delivery via Tik Tok. Original hardware shipments went out February 2020.
The worst is a combined Apple hardware compromised phone with Tik Tok, where both pipeline and content neurotech delivery contaminate your brain and mind. Dumpster fire your Made in China products, especially uninstall Tik Tok and burn the iphone M1+ bionic chipsets, cause you should not wish another human being to use it and get linked-up to China and hurt someone.