>>20729556 lb
Rhinos are in on it. That's different.
ooh. I like that.
"New Republic" must be nutty neo-con cultists?
copy pasta from 4 years ago?
we got the name of the guy standing next to him; and yes it is an associate.
Can't remember his name. someone will
wanna chime in here.
The reason for the scalding hot showers is so they can easily skin them.
I figured that out after reading an account by a survivor.
there was a "worldcorp vid that surfaced
(WorldCorp hidden directory found/video of child alive & well [Youtube VIDEO explaining everything])
He's torturing a young child in a burning showr. and doing some MKultra style verbal abuse.
"I am your father"
It's quite chilling. Podesta's voice.
if you see it, hear it, you'd understand.
it was only an assumption that it was the same child, who ended up "well"
""What will you call me? You will call me ……….[hesitation]…………………………….your Father. "
>"Say it again" "Say it again" – sounds exactly like him. 45 - 50 seconds
>At the campaign closing "Listen to me.. " "[]go home"
>[what a douche. Can't believe anyone ever took this fool seriously. Doesn't even thank anyone.. Alright , so that counts for psychopathology that is shown in the horror clip ] 1:37
>"We are so proud of you. and we are so proud of HER" Alright he did thank at the very end. But didn't focus on any individuals.
>[in terms of "Russians trying to influence election" They never explain how the leaked emails do that.. He just skirts it" ]
>3:58 "You oughta get a real job" Angry. sounds like battering "Father." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDWSSfsbMdEYouTube
>"Just Get Lost" 4:28 You can hear the spittle."
Podesta should've been toast. But he's got high position in the Biden admin.
'16 summer seems eons ago.
there's video that goes with audio.
but it's blurring and camera isn't steady.
you can't tell much of anything
It's suggestive. Maybe you can see a glimpse of he shower?
"marathon task"
what for?
they never explain that.
Brits paper, the worst rag.
as bad as NYTimes
shills? yu mean like yourself?
hoover was a massive fraud.
Killed JFK etc. And MLK.
massive evidence.
yet look how he presents himself, so squeeky clean.
Kinda like Disney.
it's good for you then. Because you won't get caught?
You 're practicing your legalistic footwork
I guess you're glad the detectives who would ' ve been witnesses re all dead.
You must be FB1 ; have all the moves.
the trial will probably last that long
May 17th is only 4 weeks away.
Case is supposed to go for a least 6 weeks