MAGA bankrupted the bud light brand. Do the same to BOA, if you bank there move your money. If you have a stock account dump them.
A jury of peers, Get all the fucking billionaires to do jury duty.
They can't get a fair jury in Manhattan.
Most of the billionaires and multi-millionaires have already left NYC and any residence in the state.
When she hikes taxes to pay for the inflated budget and people find illegals sleeping on the side of the roads in suburbia, they will revolt. A NY governor can be impeached
Just how many hags and Tranny whackos are there in government, especially democrats.
I know… inadvertant humor. Just trying to point out how absurd our governing systems are. The only hope is to secure the polling stations and staff in November. If we even make that.
The disbelief and anger is growing in NY.
Protective custody or had the shits
Ebola in USA, Swine flu debacle, Solar grant for $500m to a shell company, Arab Spring deaths, Libya assasination and civil war, $115 billion payout to Iran, rise of ISIS, murder of seal team 6, Seth Rich murder, etc..