Anonymous ID: 2cc53e July 7, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.2073336   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3349 >>3359 >>3372 >>3385 >>3415 >>3462 >>3574 >>3622 >>3683 >>3763


you know I got stoned for the first time in a while last night and came on here and franklyโ€ฆ it was terrifying. Any, ANY dissent is attacked with "shill" "kys" "glowing faggot". I feel like they're even playing that side (ie the C_a, J!DF) I don't know who to trust on here, you all look like sheep, scared sheep. Especially when anyone points to something that MIGHT poke a hole in the bubble. Q did NOT explain away anything, he just relied on you people attacking relentlessly to defend him.


Honestly, looking at this through different eyes, this looks like the either the "greatest intel drop ever" or the greatest damn psyop i've ever even thought was possible.


Regardless there are still 40k sealed indictments and shit really does seem to be happening, but goddamn you all sound like children when "defending" Q. Make an argument or also go KYS


>inb4 kys shill glowing faggot

Anonymous ID: 2cc53e July 7, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.2073463   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3486 >>3500


Yea, It's not like I'm on "this is all a distraction op to finally take over as the NWO" path. It's obvious Trump is NOT a facist dicatator (if he is he's doing it wrong) but YES maybe it is to guide the narrative?


It was weird because I knew stuff was happening, frankly quick drinking 8 months ago, almost immediately as Q was coming on the scene, MegaAnon was in full swing and the Vegas shit just went down. Find I'm very clear headed nowadays and just want to make sure people think about what else might be going on. But again, anytime I put forth any thought of doubt I'd get hit with "concernfag kys".


This has been a wild rollercoaster and with the July 2018 deadline of the world learning the truth, I guess we'll all be reassured soon!